  • 學位論文


Research of Electrochemistry Treatment of Chelated Copper and Nitrate

指導教授 : 程淑芬


近年來台灣伴隨著產業蓬勃發展,除了污染物對於環境的衝擊外,因為用水量大幅增加,導致水資源日趨極限的窘境,水資源不足問題將限制經濟的發展,積極開發更具實用性及經濟的廢水處理回收再利用技術為產業界一直努力的目標。 本研究主要探討電化學技術對螯合性銅及硝酸鹽兩種不同特性廢水的處理成效,研究內容包括傳統化學混凝、電化學混凝以及電化學還原等方法,傳統混凝主要探討混凝劑種類、混凝劑添加量及不同pH值情況下,對水中污染物沉澱拌除情形;電化學混凝主要探討停留時間、電極材質、原水pH值、電壓梯度,原水濃度等條件對水中污染物之去除成效;電化學還原探討操作條件包括電極材質、觸媒種類、觸媒添加量、鹽橋電解質濃度等。結果顯示電混凝系統處理螯合性銅廢水,鋁板系統60分鐘去除率為92 %,電能消耗為5.82×10-3 kWhg-1 (271 元/噸),鐵板系統10分鐘去除率為100 %,電能消耗為0.22×10-3 kWhg-1 (11 元/噸),顯示處理螯合銅時,鐵板較率較鋁板佳。電混凝處理硝酸鹽廢水結果顯示,鋁板系統30分鐘去除率趨近90 %,電能消耗0.39×10-3 kWhg-1 (17 元/噸),鐵板系統60分鐘去除率最佳為74 %,電能消耗1.34×10-3 kWhg-1 (50 元/噸),顯示鋁板系統比鐵板系統佳。電化學還原系統處理硝酸鹽廢水以鋁板系統為最佳,60分鐘硝酸鹽去除率約為50 %,其優點為零污泥產生量。


電混凝 硝酸鹽 螯合銅 電還原


As industries in Taiwan bloom in recent years, aside from the environmental impact caused by pollutants, domestic water consumption also has increased greatly to result in drainage of our water resourses. Being water deficiency can affect the economic development, it has been a goal for the industries to develop more practical and economical wastewater treatment and regeneration technologies. This study investigates the effect electrochemical technology has in treating wastewater of chelated copper and nitrate. The research contents include traditional chemistry coagulation, electrocoagulation and electroreduction. The traditional chemistry coagulation mainly discuss the removing result of coagulant kind, coagulant dosage and different pH to the pollutant in water. Electrocoagulation mainly discuss the removing result of residence time, electrode material, original water pH, voltage gradient, original water consistency to the pollutant in water. Electroreduction Operation condition include electrode material, catalyst kind, catalyst dosage, electrolytic consistency of salt bridge. Results show electrocoagulation treatment of wastewater containing chelated copper reached removing rate of 92 % and electrical energy consumption of 5.82×10-3 kWhg-1 (271 dollars/ton) using the electrode aluminum system for 60 minutes. For the electrode iron system, the removing rate is 100 % and the electrical energy consumption is at 0.22×10-3 kWhg-1 (11 dollars/ton) for 10 minutes this demonstrate electrode iron system removes better than electrode aluminum system while treating chelated-copper-containing wastewater. Electrocoagulation treatment of wastewaster containing nitrate results in removing rate approach 90 % and electrical energy consumption of 0.39×10-3 kWhg-1 (17 dollars/ton) using the electrode aluminum system for 30 minutes. As for the electrode iron system, the removing rate is 74 % and the electrical energy consumption is at 1.34×10-3 kWhg-1 (50 dollars/ton), this demonstrate electrode aluminum system removes better than electrode iron system. The electroreduction system treats nitrate-containing wastewater best with the electrode aluminum system. The removing rate of nitrate is approximately 50 % for 60 minutes with the advantage of no sludge production.


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