  • 學位論文


Construction in Gravel Formation Using Open Face Shield Tunneling Method in Howli

指導教授 : 徐松圻


摘要 近年來,由於台灣社會經濟蓬勃發展,各項科技日益創新與精進,帶動營建施工機具及技術不斷更新,其中又以政府國家基礎建設及重大經濟建設的推動,對營建工程業的影響最為直接。都市公路交通網之規劃及建構往往為人口密集地區佈設路線,道路及橋梁工程的建造方式,也都儘可能靠近都市或鄉鎮構建。而潛盾工法主要用於大都會區人口密集、高樓矗立等諸多不利建構因素下之施作工法,已成為一能減少影響地面交通、施工迅速且較無環境污染之先進地下施工法之一。本論文研究目的在潛盾施工法與施工管理步驟,對於施工實務運用期能進一步實現管建自動化管理,以縮短工期、降低造價,且施工之週期性,期能提昇國內潛盾施工技術與施工品質。 本研究針對中部科學工業園區后里園區放流管工程中潛盾隧道段進行現地的地質調查及案例蒐集,潛盾機機型(開放式潛盾機之構造)在施工現場遭遇之困難及解決對策等。現階段平均每日24小時作業可完成2.6環之組立,若無地下水、大於ψ800mm巨石打除及開挖面坍落等問題,每日應可達到4.4環以上之組立。 開放式潛盾機施工與密閉式潛盾機之施工法有極大之差別,期望本研有助於未來開放式潛盾機在卵礫石層中之施工做為參考。


Abstract The vigorous economic growth and fast development of technology in Taiwan recent years has pushed forward the construction machines and technology continuously up to date. The development and investment of basic infrastructures and economic policy by the government will have the direct impact on construction engineering. The planning and construction of the network of communication lines, such as routes, roads, and bridges, usually placed inside or close to a city or the populated areas. In order to minimize the impact of traffic on the ground, to ensure the construction rate, and to reduce the environmental pollution, the shield tunneling method is one of the common methods used for the underground construction in a populated city. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to work on the construction method and management for the open face shield tunneling method, and to fulfill construction automation, shorted construction time and cost to enhance construction technology and quality in the future. This research collects the site geotechnical exploration, construction data, machine types, encountered difficulties, and solution for the difficulties using open face shield tunneling method for waste water outflow pipeline of the Holi base of the Central Scientific Park. The results show that the average construction rate is about 2.6 rings per day, i.e. 24 hours. If there is no groundwater inflow, no boulders greater that 800 mm, and no cave in from the face, segment of 4.4 rings can be assembled per day. There is dig difference between open face and closed face shield tunneling machines, thus, the results of this study hope to give as a reference for the tunneling construction in gravel formation in the future.




