  • 學位論文


The Effect of Courseware Interface Modality on Programming Learning Outcome.

指導教授 : 李英聯


程式設計在我們日常生活中可說是處處可見,在社會中也越來越重視程式設計,故將程式設計課程加入教育中也顯得越來越重要,但程式設計的教學並不是一件容易的事,學生排斥程式設計大多是因為對程式語言不熟悉、缺乏興趣,且對於缺乏邏輯思考訓練的學生來說,要面對程式設計更是一大難關。而要改善因為種種因素導致學習程式設計的成效降低,將會是一個值得探討的問題,因此本實驗將針對沒有程式設計相關經驗的學生做實驗。 實驗分為實驗組與對照組,其中對照組執行與以往程式設計課程類似的教學內容,而實驗組則加入Code Puzzle來了解學生對不同的教材介面是否會以不同的觀點來學習程式設計。且在Code Puzzle中,另外設計Type’n’Place與Drag’n’Drop兩種版本,探討學生對何種版本的學習效果較為顯著。結果顯示,自主利用Code Puzzle介面學習並不易取代傳統紙本教材,而易學易用的介面容易讓學生利用回饋效果來尋找答案,回饋效果雖然方便知道答案的正確與否,但過度利用卻會帶來反效果。本研究僅在比較不同教材介面的學習影響,在未來研究上,建議加入輔助學習或與課堂配合,以便更深入探討如何有效學習程式設計。


A program is seen everywhere in our daily routine, and it will be more and more attention in society. Therefore, It is very important to add the programming course to education, but programming teaching is not easy, student reject programming mostly because of the programming is unfamiliar and lack of interest, and for students who lack a logical training is face difficulties in programming. It will be a worthy of discussion to improve lower effectiveness because of various external factors, so this experiment aim to students who have non-experience of the programming. The experiment have experimental group and control group, in which the control group performs teaching content similar to the previous programming course, and the experimental group will join the Code Puzzle to understand the students of different courseware interface will be different views to learn programming. We have two versions of Type’n’Place and Drag’n’Drop in Code Puzzle, and discuss the effective of two versions on students learning outcome. In the result, use of Code Puzzle to learning oneself is not easy to replace traditional courseware, however, students take advantage of the feedback features to find the answer with interface of easy to learn and use, the feedback features facilitate know the correctness of the answer, but overuse will be opposite effect. This study only compares the effect of different courseware interface on learning, in future research, proposals add in scaffolding or with the subject, in order to discuss how to learn programming.


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