  • 學位論文


The Internal Communication Effectiveness Research of an Enterprise by Applied SIPA- A Case Study of S Life Insurance Company

指導教授 : 邱國欽


隨著近幾年台灣因金控法的施行,致使保險業、銀行業、證券業相互的交叉行銷,以及保險代理人、保險經紀人等多元通路崛起,造成金融保險業務競爭相當激烈,整體金融環境的經濟問題亦日趨複雜,且金融市場變化快速,各家金融保險商品重疊性高,致使金融保險業的經營愈趨艱困,所以如何使企業更有效的管理及運作更是企業不容忽視的課題。 一個企業組織的內部溝通效果決定了企業組織的管理效率,在企業組織的經營管理過程中,企業組織內部溝通直接影響企業績效目標的實現,企業組織內部溝通管道及流暢度,需要企業本身定期做檢視,加以暸解員工對於內部溝通管道、過程及結果是否感到滿意或是員工有任何能使企業組織內部溝通更加完善的建議,藉此可強化員工對公司之滿意度及忠誠度。 本文建構20個題項,先以IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)方法分析S人壽保險公司在內部溝通流程找出需改善題項有3項,並與S人壽保險公司相關主管討論共同擬定改善策略,再藉由產業相仿之C人壽保險公司為競爭者比較,以建議此3項需改善題項的改善順序。 本文目的是藉由改善成效,促使S人壽保險公司內部溝通更佳流暢有效率,以提升S人壽保險公司在未來之營運能更加茁壯。


競爭者 內部溝通 相關性檢定 SIPA


In recent years, the implementation of the Financial Holding Company Act in Taiwan has caused the cross-marketing of the insurance industry, banking industry, and security industries rise along with the multiple marketing channels of insurance agents and insurance brokers. Meanwhile, it has also drove the finance and insurance business into a circumstances of rigid competitiveness, the overall environment of economic and insurance problems become more and more complex as well. In further, it makes the management of bancassurance business more difficult while the changing of financial markets rapidly and highly overlapped with various insurance products in between. Therefore, how to manage and operate more effectively in an organization become an important subject matter and an inevitable challenge. The management efficiency of an enterprise organization can be determined by the effect of its internal communication. Through the process of the organization management, the internal communication directly affects the achievement of its performance goal, meanwhile, the fluency of its internal communication channel also need to be surveyed routinely, so as to understand whether their employees are satisfied with the channel, process and results, in further, to get some feedbacks or recommendations which will enhance the completion of an enterprise’s internal communication, by doing this, thus will benefit the promotion of employees’ loyalty and satisfaction toward to the company as well. There are twenty items constructed in this article. Firstly, by using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) as the method to evaluate the process of the S insurance company’s internal communication so as to find out the problems (there were three items need to be improved in this case). Secondly, the authority of decision making leaderships of the company have to develop course of actions for improvement strategies. Finally, by comparing with an added company as a competitor which is similar to S company, there were three items recommended to be improved in accordance with the criteria of the priority.


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