  • 學位論文


Analysis of Taiwan’s Horse Industry

指導教授 : 張阜民


摘 要 馬具產業是典型的勞力密集、少量多樣的傳統產業,只因是小眾專業性的市場,故受到外在因素影響不大。但因生產技術及短期投資力道不高,只要有誘因,競爭對手均會增加,形成所謂僧多粥少的困境。自1987年7月台商赴大陸投資開始,到1992年為止,均是馬具產業投資的熱潮,自此對於台灣馬具產業開始產生低單價的衝擊,加上台灣本地工資高漲、環保意識提高、勞工福利增加到現在的一例一休影響之下,馬具產業如何生存經營及其發展趨勢是一個值得探討的議題。 本文以質性訪談法深入了解馬具業者的狀況,並透過國內學者司徒達賢(2001)所提出的策略型態分析法與功能政策來進行個案分析,經歸納分析得以下結論: 1.開發馬具產品硬體生產製造設備增加競爭力、研究新馬具功能專利品、保護被削價競爭的能力。 2.提高品質能力、申請國際認證、給客戶有信心、安心。如:ISO (International Organization For Standardization)、CE (Consumer Electtronics)、FDA (Food and Drug Administration)、UL (Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)、Beta (British Equestrian Trade Association)、SGS (General Surveillance Society)等等,給予客戶終端銷售信用保證。 3.引進外勞增加生產力,應付勞工短缺,低價絕不會永遠,提高自有品牌的品質及服務。 4.創造自有品牌、降低勞力需求之不足。 5.外移到東南亞勞力充足、工資低廉國家、如越南、緬甸等。 6.整合台灣馬具產業鏈、增加整體競爭力、並提高台灣馬具產業知名度。


Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to realize the Taiwan harness industry how to survive in the competitive global market. Saddlery industry is traditional and conventional due to high intensive labor and less quantity with multi-style. Saddlery industry is not the mass-market so that it does not change too much by external market factors. However, the competitor is still increasing according to small investment amount and simple producing skills. From 1987 to 1992, many Taiwanese enterprises transferred their production base to China that was the golden ages of saddlery industry. Now the saddlery industry is quite difficult to maintain in Taiwan due to both external and internal impacts. The lower profit margin caused the quoting difficult is the external issue. On the other sides, the rising awareness of environmental protection, rising wages in Taiwan, increasing labor benefits, and the most fatal one is the unstable labor policy in Taiwan ex: “One mandatory day off and one flexible rest day “ limits the saddlery development. This article uses the qualitative interview method to realize Taiwanese saddlery company situations and conducts a case analysis through the type analysis and functional policies proposed by the domestic scholar Dah-Hsian Seetoo. The conclusions of this project are as follows:  Updating producing equipment to increase the competitiveness, developing products with patent protection to increase product value, and decreasing price competition.  Improve the product quality, apply for international certification such as ISO (International Organization For Standardization), CE (Consumer Electronics), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), UL (Underwriter Laboratories Inc.), Beta (British Equestrian Trade Association), SGS (General Surveillance Society, to give customers confidence.  Hiring the foreign labors to increase productivity and cope with the shortage of labor.  Create own brand to improved the quality and service  Relocated to Southeast Asia labor-based, low-wage countries such as Vietnam, Myanmar  Integrate the industry chain of Taiwan harness to increase overall competitiveness and raise awareness of Taiwan harness industry.


司徒達賢(2001),策略管理新論-觀念架構與分析方法, 智勝文化。
尚榮安(2001),個案研究﹐ 弘智文化, P.94

