  • 學位論文


Overall Safety Evaluation Case Study of Existing RC Buildings in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


摘要 近年來臺灣因建築物老化而產生人身及財產損失問題逐漸受到民間及政府單位的重視,本論文根據目前土木營建工程業界現有之技術探討,針對老舊建築物規劃出整體的安全評估作業,從外牆、結構、內部使用震動影響以及地質狀態,經現場檢測、試體實驗及電腦模擬後分析其整體安全性,並提出補強辦法期能提高建築物壽命及耐震強度。 臺灣多數建築物外牆選擇磁磚的面材,為避免自然因素或人為因素產生磁磚劣化導致墜落意外,目前採用有效之診斷方法有:「目視檢測評估法」、「打音診斷法」、「紅外線裝置法」,對於外牆磁磚進行安全性的檢測,並提出整建及維護之建議。本研究採用「地質鑽探」、「混凝土鑽心試驗」、「鋼筋掃描」及「反彈錘試驗」取得相關數據後運用ATC-21及ETABS進行建築物初步耐/抗震分析,並運用「輻射鋼筋探測」及「氯離子檢測」對建築物結構內部進行品質確認,其建築物因使用產生之震動運用震動測量經由Labview分析,以提供案例適當之結構補強維護計畫。 在檢測前運用ATC-21對建築物初步評估,優先採用非破壞性檢測,若有需要再選擇破壞性取樣檢測方式,可達費用以及時間之節省提高其檢測、評估效益。 關鍵字:結構安全評估、耐震評估、老屋健檢


Abstract In recent years, the importance of safety inspection and verification of existing buildings have been brought to the attention of government and private citizens in the wake of casualty and property loss resulting from accidents by aging structures. The external walls of the majority of the buildings in Taiwan were decorated with tiles. In order to prevent incidents caused by tile deterioration under either natural or human impacts, the researcher adopted effective diagnostic methods, such as DER&U Method, Tap Tone Method, and Infrared Thermography Method, running a safety assessment on exterior tiles and offering suggestions for restoration and maintenance. Furthermore, the lifespan of a building could be shortened by natural disasters or exploitation by humans. The researcher adopted geologic drilling, concrete core drilling, rebar scanning, and rebound hammer test, to attain the data needed for the preliminary analysis of the aseismic abilities of the buildings, which was carried out through ATC-21 and BTABS. A quality assessment was further implemented to check the quality of the internal of the buildings via radiation detection and chloride ion detection for structural reinforcement plans.Additionally, as long-term machine operating can affect buildings and operators negatively, the researcher employed devices like accelerometers to measure vibration, displayed the vibration condition, and evaluated it through LabVIEW Analytics. Prior to testing, ATC-21 is used to make initial assessment of buildings. Non-destructive testing is preferred. If destructive sampling is required, cost-effective testing and evaluation of benefits can be achieved with time savings. Keywords: structural safety assessment, seismic performance evaluation, old building inspection


1. 內政部營建署,住宅法及其授權訂定之住宅性能評估辦法,第三條。
2. 臺灣省政府主計處,1998;內政部營建署,2004。
3. 羅世杰,「運轉機械振動狀態監控在工具機的應用」國立中興大學碩士論文,1997。
4. 台灣建築法第77條。
