  • 學位論文


The Impact of Banking Industry to Collecting Overdue Loans by Non-Performance Loan(NPL) Center -An Example of Taiwan Cooperative Bank

指導教授 : 楊智超


自國內開放銀行業民營後,多家銀行紛紛成立區域中心,期望區域中心之成立提升自身競爭力。一般而言,區域中心對銀行業經營管理的優點(一)專業分工,提升競爭力(二)提升授信品質(三)資源有效運用(四)有利於目標管理執行。 雖然成立區域中心可帶來上述優點,但亦會產生其他問題,因此,銀行業應先做好準備,將各種不利因素降低,減少對銀行的衝擊,這些隨之而來的問題可能包括(一)銀行內部因員工不確定感增加,產生抗拒(二)單位重新編製造成權力衝突(三)作業變更形成客戶的反彈(四)職責劃分不同所產生之矛盾(五)人力規劃面臨挑戰。 本研究乃以合作金庫商業銀行成立債權管理區域中心為例,利用合庫內部歷年清理逾期放款資料,由合庫債權管理部統計並發文至各營業單位其每月清理逾期放款的資料,資料期間為2003年12月至2010年12月。用以比較合庫成立債權管理區域中心前後之清理績效。 以六區債權管理區域中心之催收人員作抽樣訪談為主。訪談對象為各區域中心自成立後至今仍未調至其他單位之資深經辦3-4人,為使本研究有較完整的看法,特對分行之催收經辦進行抽樣訪談。 將訪談紀錄整理後作為對區域中心制度及其業務評核標準之探討。 本論文研究結論有下列幾點: 一、合庫成立債權管理區域中心後對其新舊逾放催理績效皆有顯著效果。 二、合庫成立債權管理區域中心後,有效節省催收經辦人力,但應避免債管中心催收人員及其經管案件大幅變動,以免影響催收效率。 三、減少分行催收人員調動,避免專業不足,使區域中心制度更有效率。 四、債權管理區域中心成立後,減輕分行催收人員工作,並能有效解決分行端催收人員認為較難處理的問題,給予催收業務專業的建議及解決方案,節省分行端催收人員的學習時成本及提昇及工作效率。 五、業務評核制度及呆帳回收獎金制度應以鼓勵且正向的態度給予獎金,避免逐年提高標準影響員工士氣。


Since the privatization of the banking industry, many banks began forming regional centers, with the aim that centralizing banking operations in order to enhance its competitive advantage. Theoretically, centralization of region area of the bank leads to the following advantages of the bank: 1. Specialization of staffs; 2. Better quality control of assets; 3. Higher efficiencies of resources allocation; 4. Well operation of objectives management. Although the creation of regional centers has created those advantages, operational problems also be arisen when establishing new entities. Thus, the bank must make adjustments to minimize side effects, including: 1. Personnel instability; 2. Power conflicts between new entities and pre-established committees; 3. Customers may uncomfortable to banking policy changing; 4. Redundant problems; 5. improper allocation of personnel. Using annually accrued data of overdue loans, this paper takes an introspective look on the Taiwan Cooperative Bank’s regional Non-Performing Loan(NPL) centers. The collected data ranges from internal memos, documents, to monthly overdue loan data of involved entities. This data was collected between December of 2003 and December of 2010 and contrasted between the two years prior to establishment of regional centers and the following five years period. The research contains excerpts from the interviews of select personnel from the six regional NPL centers. The selected personnel have each remained within the debt collection division of their respective regional centers since the inception of their division, they have not yet been transferred nor replaced. After analyzing the data, the operational function of the NPL centers and challenges of each center are reviewed. This article has found out: 1.The establishment of regional centers, let the quality of bank assets becoming significantly better. 2. Post-establishment of centers, minimizing of personnel movement in the divisions can prevent decreasing in operational efficiency. 3. Reduction of the movement of personnel in the collection division also prevents loss of human resourses, even improves operational efficiency. 4. Post-establishment of centers, restructure of responsibilities make local branches focus on processing of in-depth loan decisions, increasing operational efficiency. 5. The reward system of the center should be based on encouraging staffs’ strong motivation of hard working, any kinds of reduction to compensation or workplace unfairness will cause damage of the bank.




