  • 學位論文


Blogs as a tool for maintaining customer relationship in travel markets: Antecedents and consequences

指導教授 : 何昶鴛


現今網際網路已成為民眾吸收資訊的重要管道,部落格更成為民眾蒐集資訊的新選擇。由於部落格具有高度的便利性、可以針對文章內容進行回應、擁有評論和回饋,以及組成網路社群等特性,已成為一種有效的溝通工具,同時具有娛樂的功能,藉由良好的互動可以與讀者建立關係,因此吸引許多觀光業者促使其員工成立個人部落格做為與顧客溝通的管道,進行網路上的口碑宣傳與行銷。 本研究以Crosby et al.(1990)的關係品質模式(Relationship quality model)作為理論基礎,探討部落格作為旅遊業顧客關係管理工具所產生的結果以及所應掌握的要素。簡言之,本研究以部落格與讀者的互動為核心變項,試圖了解部落格與讀者間的互動,對於關係的維繫(包括:信任、滿意及忠誠度)及後續購買意願的影響;同時,找出影響讀者和部落格間互動的因素(資訊性與娛樂性),以及這些影響因素之強弱程度。 本研究以近六個月內具有使用旅遊業員工個人部落格經驗,且年滿20歲以上之讀者為研究對象。所謂的旅遊業員工個人部落格指的是由旅遊業之經理人或員工所建置,該部落格可能是獨立存在,亦可能建置於企業網站之下或可聯結於企業網站。本研究以網路問卷調查的方式蒐集模式驗證所需的資料,共計獲得288份有效樣本。 本研究所獲得的調查資料以結構方程模式 (Structural Equation Model, SEM) 進行分析與驗證。驗證模式中的2個潛在變數:娛樂性與互動性,其信效度不佳。由於過去文獻之中,採用這些題項測量其他產業性質的部落格均具有良好的信效度,因此推測本研究出現的情況可能是因為導遊領隊所建立的部落格在互動性與娛樂性上,未能使受訪者感受其提供相關的服務內容與功能。 因此,本研究在調整後的研究架構之下,發現:資訊性直接正向影響對部落格的信任與滿意,受訪者對部落格的滿意直接正向影響對部落格的忠誠度,受訪者對部落格的忠誠度直接正向影響對部落格所屬企業相關產品的購買意願。


In Taiwan, many travel agents and guiders are bloggers to conduct their own blogs individually or on the company’s Websites. Business blogs can be viewed as a developing and essential relationship marketing channel in travel and tourism industry. As travel blogs increase in popularity, it is of importance to investigate blog effectiveness for relationship marketing. Thus, this study proposes a conceptual model based on relationship quality model of Crosby et al. (1990) with extended variables to gain better understanding of reader (customer) behaviors on business travel blogs. Specifically, it attempts to present a theoretical and empirical analysis that business travel blogs can make to successful relationship marketing. The proposed model was empirically tested using AMOS 16.0 with a survey data collected from 288 readers of blogs that were written by travel agents and guiders. The research results indicated that availability of information plays a dominant role in influencing relationship marketing, i.e. satisfaction and trust. However, contrary to our hypotheses, the characteristics of blogs, such as interactivity and entertainment, have no significant direct effect on readers’ satisfaction and trust. Trust has an effect on satisfaction. Satisfaction is a key predictor of readers’ loyalty toward business travel blogs, whereas trust has no significant direct effect on loyalty. Notably, the research finding indicates that readers’ loyalty significantly affects their purchasing intention for travel products. As this study has shown, travel-related corporations can select from an option of providing information to manager customer relationships successfully.


