  • 學位論文


Exploring the Impact of Tea Farmer’s Procuction Strategy and Marketing Strategy on Marketing Performance —A Case Study of Implementing Traceability System of Tea

指導教授 : 周中理


中 文 摘 要 農產品產銷履歷為國際必然趨勢,企業生產策略之擬定可達成生產目標,導引生產資源的選擇、計畫的執行及生產活動之控制,而產品要在市場成功,取決於行銷策略。企業擬定目標市場之行銷策略,妥善配置資源,以達成行銷目標,也區別與競爭者不同。為滿足消費者需求,使交易雙方都滿意,企業強化生產策略與行銷策略,以提高行銷績效,進而提升國際競爭力,達到永續發展的目標。 本研究以個案研究方式,並以履歷茶發展中茶農為例,探討茶農生產策略與行銷策略對行銷績效之影響關係,得到之研究命題如下: 一、茶農「結構性決策」中,其「產能決策」與「行銷組合決策」中之「通路決策」具較高的關係程度;「設施決策」、「製程技術決策」、「垂直整合決策」與「行銷組合決策」中之「產品決策」具較高的關係程度。 二、茶農「作業性決策」中,其「人力資源決策」、「品質決策」、「生產規劃決策」、「組織決策」均與「行銷組合決策」中之「產品決策」具較高的關係程度。 三、茶農「行銷組合決策」中,其「產品決策」與「結構性決策」中之「製程技術決策」具較高的關係程度;「價格決策」、「通路決策」、「推廣決策」與「結構性決策」中之「產能決策」具較高的關係程度。 四、茶農「行銷組合決策」中,其「產品決策」與「作業性決策」中之「生產規劃決策」具較高的關係程度;「價格決策」與「作業性決策」中之「品質決策」、「生產規劃決策」具較高的關係程度;「通路決策」與「作業性決策」中之「生產規劃決策」具較高的關係程度;「推廣決策」與「作業性決策」中之「組織決策」具較高的關係程度。 五、茶農「結構性決策」中,其「產能決策」對「行銷績效」中之「市場佔有率」具有較高的影響關係;「設施決策」、「製程技術決策」對「行銷績效」中之「相對新產品銷售」、「市場成長率」具較高的影響關係;「垂直整合決策」對「行銷績效」中之「市場佔有率」、「相對新產品銷售」具較高的影響關係。 六、茶農「作業性決策」中,其「人力資源決策」、「品質決策」對「行銷績效」中之「客戶留住」具較高的影響關係;「生產規劃決策」對「行銷績效」中之「市場成長率」、「相對新產品銷售」、「市場佔有率」具較高的影響關係;「組織決策」對「行銷績效」中之「客戶留住」、「相對新產品銷售」具較高的影響關係。 七、茶農「行銷組合決策」中,其「產品決策」對「行銷績效「中之「市場佔有率」具較高的影響關係;「價格決策」對「行銷績效」中之「單位客戶帶來之營收」具較高的影響關係;「通路決策」對「行銷績效」中之「市場佔有率」具較高的影響關係;「推廣決策」對「行銷績效」中之「相對新產品銷售」具較高的影響關係。


Abstract Building up the traceability systems of agricultural products has been an international trend. A company drawn up a viable business production strategy can not only achieve production goals, but also can come up with choices on production resources, plan execution and control of production activity. To successful entering a product into the market, a good marketing strategy is the key. Normally, companies will set up certain marketing strategy toward target markets and allocate resources properly, with an eye to attaining marketing goals. For satisfying the need of seller and buyer, companies will strength its production and marketing strategy to enhance the marketing performances, and ultimately improve the international competitiveness and achieve sustainable development. This study, by a case study and exemplifying the developers of traceability system of tea, explored the relationship between tea farmer’s production and marketing strategy and its marketing performances. The resulting propositions are as follow: 1. In tea farmer’s “institutional decisions,” it is the “channel decision” of the production capacity decision and marketing combination decision, that shows higher relationships; and it is “production decision” of the facility, processing, vertical integration, and marketing decisions, which demonstrates closer relationships. 2. It is the human resource and quality, production planning, and organization decision of operating decisions, which has closer relationships with product decision of marketing combination decision. 3. In the “marketing combinational decision,” it is the processing decision from product and institutional decision shows closer relationships; whereas, it shows closer relationships between the production capacity of institutional decision and price, channel, and promotion decisions. 4. It is the “product decision" out of tea farmer’s marketing combinational decisions, which shows the closer association with “production planning decision" of product and operating decisions; however, price decision is having stronger association with quality and production planning decisions, and closer relationships are seen in the organizational decision originated from promotion and operating decisions. 5. Among tea farmer’s institutional decisions, it is the production capacity decision which demonstrates closer associations with market shares of marketing performances; but it is the facility and processing decisions that have closer relationships with relative new product sales and market growth rate of marketing performances, and a closer association is seen in the vertical integration decision to market growth rate and relative new product sales of marketing performances. 6. In tea farmer’s operating decision, it is human resource decision and quality decision that show closer relationships with customer retention, and a stronger association is seen between production planning decision and market growth rate, relative new product sales, and market shares; however, a closer association exists between organizational decision and customer retention and relative new product sales. And the last but not the least, 7. A stronger association exists in the following comparison combinations: product decision to market shares, price decision to revenue obtained from every customer, channel decision to market shares, and promotion decision to relative new product sales.


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