  • 學位論文


The relationship between parents and young children in soldier family

指導教授 : 梁珀華


摘 要 本研究主要目的在深入軍人家庭的母親生活世界,探究母親角色實踐情形、親子關係與社會支持網絡之心路歷程。以質性研究「半結構深度訪談」為主要的研究方法,深入訪談八位家庭中育有4-8歲學齡前子女的軍人母親,根據訪談過程中所蒐集到的資料,進行分析、整理和歸納,本研究所得到的結論分述如下: 一、雙親家庭中母兼父職的媽媽:父親離家時,母親角色是「身兼多重角色的母親」和安慰孩子思念父親的「心靈的撫慰者」。當父親返家時,母親是「拉近父子關係的那雙手」拉近因時間淡化的親子感情;「父親臨時召返時母親成為家中精神支柱」讓臨時召返的父親安心,轉移子女的注意力。 二、父母互相搭配教養孩子:平時父親以「電話另一頭的爸爸」實踐父職,「戶外活動全家一起來」、「孩子的大玩伴」、「以物質滿足孩子需求」和「問答式的溝通」是建立感情的互動方式;將軍中文化帶入家庭「脫不掉軍服的爸爸」、「以母親為主軸的教養觀」、「要求嚴格的黑臉媽媽與期待配合演出的白臉爸爸」是軍人家庭中的管教方式。 三、不可或缺的支持網絡:在情緒性支持上「與家人朋友聊天是心情不好的出口」;訊息性支持是「提供教養訊息都是為了孩子好」;實質性支持是「隨時需要有你們真好」。支持對象以自己有血緣的親友居多,其次是夫家的親人、同學和朋友。


Abstract This study deals primarily with the roles of mothers in soldier’s family, exploring how a mother plays her role, the parent-child relationship and social supporting network of soldier’s family. This qualitative research mainly adopts “semi-structured in-depth interview,” which interviewed eight mothers (who have pre-school children aged 4~8) of soldier’s family. Collected data were analyzed, systemized and concluded as follows: 1.Mothers who play double roles of both mother and father in two-parent family: act as both “a mother who plays multiple roles” as well as “a comforter who pacifies her children when they miss father” as the fathers leave home for work. When the fathers come home from work, the mothers play the role of pushing hands to make the relationship between father and children closer. When the fathers are called for work unexpectedly, mothers become the spiritual support for the family—to make the father not worry about household while at the same time shift children’s attention. 2.Fathers and Mothers Pair up to educate children: the father usually performs his paternal duty through phone-calls, and the building-up of their family relationship is based on “participating in outdoor activities all together,” “being children’s elder playmate,” “satisfying children’s needs materially,” and “communication through asking-and-answering.” Bringing military culture into family is the way soldiers tend to educate their children, such as “the father who can’t take off his military uniform,” “maternal-oriented education,” and “a harsh, demanding mother along with a father expected to be kind and lenient.” 3.Indispensable supporting network: as for emotional support, the mothers usually channel her depression by ways of talking to families and friends. Informational support is offering message like “for the sake of children,” whereas substantial support is keep her company whenever needed. Those who offer support are mostly her relatives with blood relationship, while relatives, classmates and friends of her husband are in the next place.


