  • 學位論文


Development of a Multipurpose Embedded System Update and Installation Server

指導教授 : 陳宏達


一個可以經由網路更新韌體版本、設定資料、甚至變更應用軟體之系統已被成功開發,系統由一個Linux Base的伺服器與使用者端的嵌入式系統組成,嵌入式系統內之軟體可透過網路來進行板本更新或用途變更,此外一些設定與所需資料也可以透過網路更新。因此一些非即時性的資料蒐集、複雜運算分析皆可傳回伺服器來做後續處理,以補足嵌入式系統在運算、分析與儲存空間方面之不足。在本研究中,可以透過網路來更新嵌入式系統軟體板本,在短時間將系統變更為網路電話伺服器、防火牆、IP分享器或不良網路過濾器等等,而一些設定資料如要過濾的網站黑名單或白名單、要阻擋或僅允許通過國家IP列表也可由伺服器分析處理並下載到嵌入式系統,也可以依照客戶需求提供更合適的設定,此外也可以隨著客戶使用需求改變產品的殘餘價值。


An embedded system update and installation server has been successfully developed. This multipurpose system can provide the embedded system client to upgrade his program, to install another application program and to update its setting data. The server was build on a Linux based PC system which is better performance than that an embedded system so as it can analyze and gather the more complex data. This processed data can download to embedded system. In this project, an embedded system can be changed to bad sites filter, VoIP SIP server, or IP firewall via downloading the install package from server in a few minutes. Besides, the black lists to screen out the bad sites from the childhood can be updated from the server. We can choice and download the IP data from this server to the IP firewall to block the users from the specific countries. The configurations of embedded system also can be done on the server which can provide more rich information to guide the user to complete the settings of the complex embedded system machine.


ARM Home Page, http://www.arm.com
[2] Apache httpd Web Server Home page ,http://www.apache.org/
[3] Dnsmasq DNS home page ,
[4] Honda Chen, Chia-Wei Chen, and Yang-Yu Yeh "Development of IP and Domain Name Filter Using ARM9 Based Embedded System",
"2009 The International Conference on Computer and Network Technologies in Education", Chung Hua University, Taiwan.
