  • 學位論文


A Comparison of Different Requirements of Underwear among Different Generations: A Kano’s Model Perspective

指導教授 : 黄淑琴


摘要 內衣是每位女性的日常必需品,面對琳瑯滿目日益推陳出新的內衣產品是如何選擇的?而世代除了以年齡為基礎,反應年齡效應外,還可反應次文化特性,被視為是一種重要的市場區隔變項。本研究主要目的在探討女性消費者對內衣的消費需求,利用產品利益區隔以及不同世代分割, 再針對顧客集群應用Kano 模式探討其對內衣需求差異性。結果發現:(1)對女性消費者而言「展現出個人品味及自我風格」、「選擇多樣化」與「符合預算」為魅力要素;(2)「穿起來舒適沒壓迫感」、「可以穿很久而不會鬆垮」、「調整胸型」最能提高消費者滿意度;而「店面據點多,購買時方便」、「展現出個人品味及自我風格」、「提高對另一半的吸引力」最能改善消費者之不滿意度;(3)「選擇多樣化」對X與Y世代同樣為魅力要素,但「展現出個人品味及自我風格」與「符合預算」只被Y世代視為魅力要素;(4) 「內衣容易清洗」也能爲X世代女性帶來滿意度,而「符合我購買前內心的期望」則能改善其不滿意度;「選購過程感覺受到服務人員尊重」也能爲Y世代女性帶來滿意度,而「有足夠資訊讓我了解產品品質」則能改善其不滿意度。(5)透過改善係數分析提出行銷策略建議。 關鍵字: Kano’s model、世代、產品利益、內衣


產品利益 世代 Kano’s model 內衣


Abstract The underwear is a daily essential item for women. However, when women face various new products of underwear released day by day, how to select suitable underwear for them? On the basis of age, the generations indicate not only effects of age, but also characteristics of subculture. Thus, generation was regarded as important market segmentation variable. Our research mainly studied the request of woman''s consumption of underwear. We utilized segmentation of product benefits and division of different generations. Then, we focused on segmentations of consumer and applied Kano’s Model to discuss different requests of underwear. The result shows: first, there’re three attractive quality elements for female consumers, “showing personal tastes and styles”, “a variety of options” and “conforming to budgets”. Second, the benefits of “Comfortable and relaxed wear”, “durable and firm wear” and “adjusting the shape of breasts” can greatly promote the degree of consumers’ satisfaction. In addition, “plenty locations of stores and convenience of purchasing”, “showing personal tastes and styles” and “enhancing the attractiveness of mates” can extremely improve the degree of consumers’ dissatisfaction. Thirdly, the benefit of “various options” is an attractive quality element for both generation X and Y. Nonetheless, only generation Y considers “showing personal tastes and styles” and “conforming to budgets” as attractive quality elements. Fourthly, the benefit of “easy to clean” also brings X generation the degree of satisfaction and “meeting the expectation before shopping” can improve the degree of dissatisfaction; on the other hand, the benefit of “receiving respect from store clerks during the process of shopping” brings Y generation the degree of satisfaction and “providing enough information to understand products’ quality” can improve the degree of dissatisfaction. Finally, we are able to propose suggestions for marketing strategy. Keywords: Kano’s model, generations, product benefit, underwear


Kano’s model Generations Product benefit Underwear


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