  • 學位論文


The Research from The Progressing of The Kindergarten Transformational and The Professional Developing of Teachers ─ Based on A Kindergarten Accepted The Kindergarten’s Guidance Program

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究旨在探究一所參與幼稚園輔導計畫之園所進行幼稚園轉型與教師專業成長之歷程,並進一步探討輔導計畫實施進程對個案園所轉型、行政領導、教學視導及教師專業成長的影響情形。本研究目的如下: 一、了解個案園所參與輔導計畫後的轉型歷程。 二、探討個案園所參與輔導計畫後,在行政領導改變的情形。 三、探討個案園所參與輔導計畫後,在教學視導改變的情形。 四、探討個案園所參與輔導計畫後,在教師專業成長改變的情形。 本研究採用質性研究之個案研究方法,以深入訪談為主,並輔以參與教學輔導會議、主題教學觀察記錄及網頁部落格等多重資料,進行資料分析與歸納,提出研究結論如下: 一、個案園所歷經各領域專長之專題研習講師不定期入園輔導、96學年度初次申請教育部輔導計畫的成長經歷後,在97學年度又以產學合作、行動研究、專業研習及在職進修等方式持續精進園所課程,直至99學年度再次申請輔導計畫進行方案二的主題課程轉型,在園所接受輔導進程中有不同階段的影響轉變,包括對教學品質提升、課程發展與教學創新、形塑主題教學特色與建立園所品牌形象,有奠定園所永續發展之助益。 二、個案園所在行政領導的轉變上,行政主管與教師為建立園所願景,共同投入輔導計畫,樹立楷模學習帶領園所進行轉型,同時具有高關懷的領導效能,行政團隊因組織效能提升而達到創造差異化的教學特色。 三、個案園所在教學視導轉變上,行政主管透過巡堂視察、進班觀摩教學及教師撰寫教學日誌省思等方式,協助教師改進教學,提升班級經營能力;並將課程回歸教師專業自主,強化教學資源的挹注與支持,達到提升園所教學品質之目的。 四、個案園所教師在專業成長上,歷經持續的專題研習講師與輔導專家入園輔導,不僅促使教師在教學觀念上有所轉變,更讓教師拋除坊間教材的束縛,轉而運用自編主題課程來提升教師課程設計之專業能力,形塑教師教學風格,樹立班級主題特色;並透過協同教學與資源共享,促進教師間的互動成長,提升主題課程教學的深度與廣度。 最後依據研究結果提出建議,以供教育主管機關後續輔導與評鑑政策之參酌,並作為有關園所轉型與教師專業成長相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate and research one of the kindergartens which attended Kindergarten’s Guidance Program, its transformation and the progress of teacher professional growth while investigating further the effects of kindergarten transformation, administration leadership, instruction supervision and teacher professional growth. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1.To understand this case study’s progress of transformation after attending Kindergarten’s Guidance Program. 2.To discuss this case study’s changes of administration leadership. 3.To discuss this case study’s changes of instruction supervision. 4.To discuss this case study’s changes of teacher professional growth. The method of this study was to adopt qualitative research, to choose deep interviews are prime method. Attending conferences of guidance program, records of topical teaching observation and surfing information from websites and blogs are secondary. To generalize conclusions from analyzing information as follows: 1.This case study was guided by experts without a fixed schedule. After experiencing guidance program by an educational organization in 2007; carried on cooperation with industrial organizations and educational organizations, activated research, professional research and study and training in 2008. Eventually, re-applied the scheme II of Guidance Program which was topical transformation in 2010. There were different effects in progress. Including improvement of teaching quality, development of course, innovation of teaching and built up characteristics of topical teaching and kindergarten’s reputation. In order to settle the benefits of operating business. 2.The changes of administration leadership were that administrators and teachers attended this program together to build up the purposes of kindergarten transformation and to create the differences of teaching by administration leadership. 3.The changes of instruction supervision were to observe the classes by administration leadership, and teachers kept a diary about making a self- examination and leadership helped teachers improve teaching, abilities of classroom management and independence of teaching courses in order to develop qualities of teaching. 4.The changes of teacher professional growth were that teachers not only changed their teaching concepts, but also threw away old teaching materials after experiencing guidance program. Teachers performed their own topical courses to advance in their abilities of designing courses, and promoted teachers’ teaching styles. Furthermore, improved teachers professional growth by sharing resources. The results suggest that educational organizations can refer to follow-up Kindergarten’s Guidance Program.




