  • 學位論文


A study on applying narrative strategy to the community-story picture books: Dadu Terrance picture book Project

指導教授 : 王桂沰


近年來政府努力推行社區營造,促使社區文化逐漸成為大眾所重視的焦點,社區本身也開始正視自己的文化特色。每個社區都有屬於自己的故事,藉由社區故事的傳承,不但可以推廣社區的文化,也能建立起社區居民的地方認同感。本創作以大肚山台地為對象,將實地走訪大肚山台地後所取出台地七村具有特色的故事和景點,作為本創作的題材和元素。 傳遞和推廣文化的方式有許多種,本研究選擇以繪本為媒介,藉由繪本具有敘事的功能,讓大眾從閱讀中去了解社區,並且以敘事策略作為本研究的分析手法,透過分析收集而來的社區故事繪本,分析歸納後的結果作為本創作策略。此繪本成品將放置在大肚山台地的地方圖書館和社造工作室,可供社區居民和來台地觀光的遊客閱讀,建立起大肚山社區文化特色並且傳承下去。期望本創作結果可供其餘社區在製作社區繪本上作為參考。


Recently, the government has been active in promoting community development in order to highlight the various cultures represented by the different communities. As a result of this initiative, each of the local communities began to focus on understanding their history and community stories in order to share with others. This helped to promote their identity and provided a sense of belonging for residents. This project focuses on the locale of Dadu Terrance. By visiting the seven different villages of Dadu, their unique stories and sceneries became the inspiration and the theme of this project. There are many different ways of telling a story and promoting one’s culture. This project has chosen a picture-book as a medium as it is an effective tool to deliver a narrative. Through the reading of the picture-book, the public is able to gain better understanding of the community. This project applies narrative strategies and collect the necessary data needed in order to create a comprehensive picture-book. The picture-book will be displayed at the Dadu Terrance public library and community development office for residents and visitors to read. It will assist in the promotion and preservation of the unique Dadu Terrance culture. Hopefully, the result of this project will also serve as a reference for other communities in their development and planning.


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