  • 學位論文


The Influence and Significance of Differentiation Design in Human Design Philosophy and Method Development Process

指導教授 : 諸葛正


差異化思維在人類的原始生活中就已經出現,並將這樣的思維運用於生活事物之中,作為辨識與表現自我之用。而當社會組織形成,社會階層逐漸分化,差異化設計更被廣泛地運用於生活產物之中,並發展出更為深層與多樣化的使用目的。而本研究所探討的差異化設計思維與方法,便是一種慣用的設計思維法則,其在不同時代亦有著不同的發展特徵與相關的影響力。   本研究經由進行「差異化設計」的研究主題,解讀設計者如何運用不同外顯象徵符碼與使用方式,加諸於設計產出物的差別化過程之相關作法與意義,以瞭解人類進行差異化設計的基本操作目的與可能性的作法。也希望藉此檢討相關經驗,並重新回饋導入給設計者去理解與認識各種設計行為的真正目的與意義,好讓設計者能對「差異化設計」思維的形成與其相關的影響力能夠更為重視,並經常進行反省,這也是本研究欲實現的主要目的之一。   本研究的書寫過程將從傳統與現代兩個不同社會時空背景體制(亦可視為有「設計」領域定義概念之前與之後)下,有關差異化設計的相關做法與特徵,進行解析與整理,期望從過去歷史文化的發展與社會變遷過程中,梳理各項案例資訊,以彙整解讀各種差異化思維在設計思維發展過程中曾經影響的範圍與程度,以及意義,以藉此解讀此思維的形成原因與未來可能對應變化發展的各種可能性。並比較與探討差異化設計思維帶給人類生活的各種影響。   本研究主要的研究目的與內容如下, 1.差異化思維的生成與發展內容建構。 2.差異化設計於社會發展意識形態過程的意義思考。 3.近代差異化設計思維的運用與策略法則檢討。   至於本研究的主要成果則為:   1.從古今差異化設計思維的演化特徵中可以看到,拜近代民主社會政體發達之賜,每個人幾乎可以透過消費能力來達到過去很多做不到的事情。所以每個設計廠商亦可以幾近於無限制地製造各式產品,不像過去封建帝制社會中器物的使用與製造,都會受到統治者為強制區隔身分地位差別而加諸嚴格限制規範的束縛。而近代除單純的識別區隔目的之外,更多含有各類意識形態的差異化設計思維,正以一種幾乎無限制的思考,大量操弄過去可能只有少數人才能擁有的專屬識別特徵,且這種策略性思考一般人只要想的到都可以用。可以看到在前後不同時空之中的不同特徵,就在於受到條件限制與是否含帶自由成分較高的兩個產生氛圍確實明顯不同。 2.從差異化設計思維運作層次的變化中,可以見到在傳統封建社會,差異化設計思維成為彰顯統治者身分地位的慣用方式,利用差異化設計思維策略,來製造生活中各種圖像、色彩、器物、空間配置之高低、大小、前後、材質、貴賤等不同差異現象。除運用其識別功能外,更是作為加強身分區隔意識的常用做法。而近代設計師針對不同市場區隔進行差異化設計之際,除設計出識別性的差異外,也常將階級意識、性別差異等這些既有的社會價值觀,進行潛移默化的「價值」再附加動作。所以在同一性的產品之中,從外觀或是使用上總能輕易分辨出已習以為常的不同層級、不同性別的使用產品,這也是一種經由設計師所營造出的社會價值觀之形塑傳承過程,與過去不同的只是傳達方式「明暗」程度的不同。 3.人類所慣用製造識別、類別化的差異化設計手法,從古至今其實都有著相似做法,差異化設計本身就是一種複數設計思考的行為,近代則更大量使用此概念,產生出許多系列化、組合式的設計手法。雖說可以提供人類更多類別選擇,卻也可能同時產生出更多人類原本並不需要的需求,其背後當然也有著更多商業行為上刻意製造的考量。 4.從人類設計物隱含帶有性別意識概念的事實可知,原始人類社會的性別分工其實已相當具體。在父權體系社會之下,也順理成章地將這些看似「先天」的差異,利用各類設計手法進行再複製與強化,甚至產生出許多可塑造男性權力,或是束縛女性的設計物。這些區隔性別差異的設計,強化著男女之間的性別有別思想,甚至也與社會規範進行「合理」的連結動作。 5.設計廠商為滿足消費者追求個人化(專用、最新產品)目的的實現,常會將過去運用於帝王貴族所用的差異化設計方式,複製於近代的設計行為與其連帶產出物中。雖說近代的設計師可能並非被授意要「刻意」塑造出社會中的階級差異,但還是希望藉由消費者的移情作用來達到提昇產品有更高的銷售利潤,而將過去的階級意識形態再加諸於新世代的產品中。


Differentiation thinking had emerged in primitive human life, and this way of thinking was applied to daily life for purposes of self-identification and performance. When social organizations started to exist, social classes gradually divided; differentiation design was more widely used in commodities, and developed deeper and more diverse purposes of use. This research explores differences in design thinking and methods, the usual rules of design thinking, which have different characteristics of development and associated impact in different times.   Through the discussion on "differentiation design," this study attempts to interpret how designers use explicit symbolic codes and the exact way of using them to impose meaning and the relevant practices on the differential process of design output, so as to understand the basic purposes of using differentiation design and possibilities of the practice. Furthermore, the study hopes to review the relevant experience, and gives feedback to designers for them to understand and recognize the real purposes of design behavior and meaning and to pay more attention to the formation of "differentiation design" and to the influence associated with the formation of the thinking. Eventually, designers can reflect, which is one of the main purposes of this study.   The writing process of this study is based on two different settings, traditional and modern, (or before and after the definition of “design” comes to exist,) to analyze and arrange the relevant practices and characteristics of differentiation design in the hope that it can comb out every case and information in order to categorize and interpret how and to what degree differentiation thinking has affected the development of design thinking. By means of the writing process, the study interprets why the way of thinking was formed and what possibilities could be brought about to correspond to the changing development in the future. It also compares and discusses the influences differentiation design thinking has given rise to from every aspects in human life.   The main research purposes and contents of the study are as follows: 1.The formation and construction of the content of differentiation thinking. 2.The reflection of differentiation design on ideology through social development. 3.The contemporary use of differentiation design thinking and the review of strategy rules.   The research results are as follows: 1.It can be seen that through the evolution pattern of differentiation design thinking in ancient and modern times, people can almost make happen what used to be unable to be done by their consumption capacity, thanks to the prospering modern democratic society. Designers can thus make products of any kinds unlimitedly in modern society unlike the feudal society where the use and making of utensils are imposed restrictions to segment users of different social status. While in modern times, except for the mere purpose of identification segmentation, more differentiation design thinking of various ideologies is manipulating exclusive identification features that may used to be owned by few people. It is a strategic thinking average people can use as long as they come up with an idea. From these two diverse kinds of timespace, it can be seen that the features lie in the distinction in the constraint with conditions and the components of freedom. 2.In changes of the operational level of differentiation design thinking, it can be seen that in traditional feudal society, differentiation design thinking became a usual way of manifesting ruler’s status by means of differentiation design thinking strategies to create difference phenomenon in images, colors, objects, spatial configurations of the height, sizes, front and rear, materials, and the valued and the unvalued to generate recognition and, as a usual way, to strengthen the segmentation of sense of identity. In modern times, however, when designers practice differentiation design for market segmentation, they produce recognizable differences and subtly add social values such as class consciousness and gender differences. Among products of the same category, they can be easily discriminated between those for different levels and genders from the looks or the use. It is a modern course of molding and transmitting social values constructed by designers, different from the degree of evidence of the transmission in the past. 3.Down the ages, the consistent use of differentiation design to cause recognition and categorization of human beings has a similar approach. Differentiation design itself is a behavior of complex design thinking that is extensively applied to produce serial and combinational design techniques in modern times. Though there are more options for people to choose from, some of them can also be unwanted, behind which lie deliberate commercial considerations. 4.It can be known that from designed objects that imply gender awareness, human beings in the primitive society had specified their gender division of labor. Under patriarchal society, the seemingly “innate” variations are duplicated and reinforced to an extent that they can mold male power or tie down the female. The segmentation design of gender differences intensifies the notion that males and females should be treated differently and even “justifies” the social norms. 5.To satisfy consumers’ needs of personalization (customization and updatedness), designers often copy from what used to be applied in differentiation design techniques to contemporary design behaviors and the products. Although they may not be told to “intentionally” shape class differences, they hope to increase sales revenue by consumers’ transference of their feelings from themselves to designed objects so they attach the class ideology in the past to the products in the new generation.




