  • 學位論文


Screening of Thermotolerable Salvia miltiorrhiza After AtHSP101 and OsHSP101 Overexpression

指導教授 : 蔡新聲 陳靖棻


中文摘要 丹參為一著名之中草藥,其活性成分包括丹參酚酸B、丹參酮I、丹參酮IIA以及隱丹參酮等,這些珍貴成分具有抗發炎、抗氧化以及抑制血小板凝集,並可有效治療心血管疾病等作用。然而丹參喜好生長在冷涼的環境下,為了可以在亞熱帶環境的台灣培育優良品種之丹參植株,本研究乃利用pCAH101以及pCΩH101載體,藉由農桿菌EHA105基因轉殖的方式,使丹參可以大量表現阿拉伯芥耐熱基因(AtHSP101)及水稻耐熱基因(OsHSP101),並利用分子鑑定確認轉植株,篩選出含有AtHSP101 之轉殖株AH 1-10以及含有OsHSP101 之轉殖株OH 1-6,共成功獲得16個轉殖系,轉殖率分別為2.26及3%,於OH轉殖株10個月大時觀察其外觀形態,發現大部分轉殖株與未轉殖丹參植株無明顯差異,而OH1、OH4以及OH6轉殖株在葉片長寬、株高以及鮮重則明顯大於未轉殖丹參植株,並進一步利用Real-time PCR探討基因表現量,共可獲得12個大量表現耐熱基因之轉殖系,於OH轉殖系可獲得5個大量表現OsHSP101,其表現量比未轉殖丹參高1-8倍,而在AH轉殖系可獲得7個大量表現AtHSP101,其表現量比未轉殖丹參高1-12倍,結果顯示耐熱基因表現量與外觀形態無關。 關鍵字: 丹參,耐熱蛋白101,基因轉殖


耐熱蛋白101 丹參 基因轉殖


Abstract Salvia miltiorriza Bunge is a well known oriental medicinal herb. Roots of S. miltiorrhiza , generally known as Danshen, contain bio-active compounds such as salvianolic acid tanshinone I, tanshinone IIA and cryptotanshinone. Based on its biological activities such as antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic and anti-platelet aggregation. Dan-shen has used for multiple therapeutic remedies (cardiovascular disorders and other diseases). To generate a thermotolerant S. miltiorriza that could cultivate in the warm regions like Taiwan and reduce the dependency of Danshen from mainland China, we have overexpressed HSP101 ( Heat Shock Protein 101of Arabidopsis, AtHSP101 and rice, OsHSP101) in S. miltiorriza by transforming pCAH101and pCΩH101 via A. tumefaciens EHA105. After antibiotic screening, transgenic plants were obtained, 10 from AtHSP101 (AH 1-10), 6 from OsHSP101 (OH 1-6). The transformation efficiency were 2.26 and 3 % respectively. Morphologically, most of the transgenic plants at 10 months old are similar to the wild type, except OH1, 4 and 6. And these morphological differences are not correlated to the HSP101 overexpression (5 from OsHSP101 and 7 from AtHSP101 are detected with high expression of HSP101). Keyword : Salvia miltiorriza Bunge, HSP101, transgenic


Salvia miltiorriza Bunge transgenic HSP101


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