  • 學位論文


Building an Adaptive e-Learning Mechanism

指導教授 : 鄭宗明


資訊科技的快速發展,利用網路來從事學習活動,是一件越來越便利的事情,因此使數位式學習(e-Learning)漸漸成為個人學習新知識、新技能的有利工具,且正逐漸地普及與被認同。數位式學習現今非常便利,但也有缺失。像是目前普遍使用的數位式教學模式乃是將數位化之教材單元置於網路上,供學習者自行點選閱讀或查詢,而教材及資源間則以超連結方式聯繫,如此之學習方式易使學習者於過多的超連結中迷失了學習目標及知識方向,且僅能由學習者自行摸索而未能提供客觀之教學指引,往往未能即時且準確地掌握學習狀況並給予適時適當之引導或補充,而造成學習者逐漸迷失的情況,也因此在學習機制中必須適時具備引導與提示之角色。 於是,本研究將探討智慧型教學系統以建構一適性化數位式學習機制,根據學習者能力及課程應具備之條件和目標,規劃出屬於學習者之知識地圖,引導恰當之學習路徑外,亦形成數位化輔導教師之角色,達成教學與學習自主化之實質目標。 另外,在學習機制中也應用語意網的知識本體論描述課程內容之意義,並參考了網路學習標準中共享式內容物件模型(SCORM)之規格來輔助描述課程內容之意義,以獲得更有效的學習及充足的知識與理解。透過此學習機制,學習者能依循系統給予之教案與學習途徑,漸進地的完成課程內容以達到所指定的目標,直接或間接地提高學習成效。


The rapid development of the information technologies has made e-learning by web a perfect media for gaining knowledge and new techniques. However, most of the e-learning schemes created so far have placed electronic course materials onto the web for unsupervised accesses. The users sometimes have to search among the unfamiliar topics to collect and construct the desired knowledge fragments, and thus making the learning behaviors less effective. The e-learners need an intelligent guide to lead interactively through the course materials along the learning process, such that the knowledge acquisition is complete and the learning improvement is made incrementally. In this research, an intelligent software tutor is created to adaptively arrange a suitable learning path based on user’s current level or ability standing, and to interactively guide the users along the course topics. The objective is to create an autonomous mechanism that bridges the gap between the users and the knowledge. The methodology utilized semantic web to distribute and relate different levels and aspects of the course topics, and SCORM paradigm to link the knowledge contents. On top of that, a user interface is established to lead the users incrementally so to fulfill the learning objective.


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