  • 學位論文


Probability of Informed Trading and Momentum‏

指導教授 : 李瑞琳


本文探討動能策略和投資人之間資訊不對稱的關係。此研究目的為提供交易者釐清優勢資訊增加投資獲利的管道;本研究使用學者Easley et al. (1996)所引用PIN (Probability of Informed Trading)為主要變數,結合動能策略與資訊交易機率進而形成另一個新變數PIN-Momentum,此研究為第一個結合動能策略與資訊交易機率進而探討在考量動能策略後,資訊是否依然能對報酬有所影響。結果發現考慮產業、景氣循環、市場狀態的因素下,資訊交易機率對報酬是有顯著相關的。


This is the first study which combines the two concepts together, where the PIN is added to the momentum effect and where the asymmetry of the momentum effect is compared to the PIN-Momentum to investigate whether the PIN-Momentum strategy can increase profits or not. We use PIN model which is proposed by Easley et al. (1996) as a major factor to test whether the information should be priced or not. Form our result, we find that the information will affect return and we suggests that it is an important factor to predict future return. We hope that this study can bring some interesting implications for future research.


Momentum PIN Probability of Informed Trading


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