  • 學位論文


A Study of Personal Application Services in Mobile Cloud Computing

指導教授 : 薛夙珍


對行動商務的多元應用需求,帶動了智慧型手機的發展,也加速行動應用程式(APP)的成長,讓行動用戶可隨時隨地下載使用具個人化之加值服務。然而,豐富的應用讓軟硬體仍有限制的手持設備,無法將所有的個人資訊儲存於行動設備中,應用的效能也會受到影響。若能結合雲端服務,以具上網功能之行動設備,將個人相關資訊與應用上傳或下載至雲端服務,就能有效提升行動之個人資訊管理。因此,本論文以行動雲端為研究主軸,運用行動設備之可攜性與個人化特質,結合雲端服務的便利與分享等功能,設計一系列行動雲端的個人化應用協定。 行動用戶的手持設備中往往儲存了許多個人的機密資訊,一旦發生資訊遺失或盜用的情況,將對用戶產生相當多的不便與傷害。因此,本論文的第一個協定就是提出具安全與便利性之個人雲端儲存協定,讓用戶透過行動設備將個人重要資料便利地上傳到行動雲端做備份,避免個人資料遺失的風險。為能充分發揮雲端服務的分享性,協定中也將從資料的安全隱私作考量,提供個人資料分享的權限控管機制。此外,由於手持設備的發展,提高了每個人持有多部行動設備的可能性,也增加了更新設備的頻率,所以在協定中也將運用雲端服務來達到設備上資料的同步與一致性。 行動用戶經常於手持設備中,儲存了具價值的個人資訊,例如可兌獎的電子發票、樂透號碼、抽獎券等。為了避免這些資訊遺失而產生的金錢損失,所以論文中針對可兌獎的個人資訊類型,提供安全而方便的行動管理機制。因兌獎票券經常具有時效性,超過兌獎時間該票券資訊即失效,因此,論文中第二個協定針對具時效性之票券提出安全交易機制,以台灣的電子發票交易為例,設計主動提供中獎通知與安全兌獎機制,也能避免冒領或盜領的威脅。由於兌獎票券的產生與購買,可能由多人同時一起共享,如何能讓兌獎機制公平且安全地進行,避免非法侵佔其他合購夥伴的利得,所以本論文第三個協定提出具公平與安全性之彩劵合購交易機制,透過雲端服務作為公正第三者,提供不可否認機制。 本論文藉由具公信力之第三方認證機構,對行動用戶作身分的驗證,並以安全加密技術保護傳輸與儲存資訊之安全。行動用戶在交易過程使用匿名帳號保護個人隱私資訊,透過一次性密碼的使用,防止行動用戶重覆兌獎與惡意用戶的盜領。希望透過論文中的協定設計,讓行動用戶方便且安全的使用行動雲端應用服務。


Applications for mobile commerce expedite the developments of smart phones and mobile apps so that mobile users may use personalized value-added services anytime anywhere. The resource-constrained handheld devices, however, are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the application data. Personal data of mobile apps can be managed well if the smart phone may upload or download private data to the cloud storage using the cloud services. Therefore, aiming at mobile clouds, this thesis utilizes portability and personalization, integrates conveniences and sharing from cloud services, and presents personalized application protocols for mobile clouds. Having much confidential information, the mobile devices might bring about inconveniences and harms once the devices are lost or stolen. The first protocol proposed in the thesis is a secure and convenient personal cloud storage protocol that facilitates backups of important data to the mobile cloud. The protocol provides a controlled sharing with security and privacy, and allows synchronizations across multiple mobile devices through cloud services for consistency. In addition, mobile users tend to store valuable information such as electronic invoices, lotteries, and raffle tickets in their handheld devices. To prevent loss of money due to loss of information, a secure and handy mechanism is proposed to manage the redeemable information. The second proposed protocol presents a secure transaction mechanism for tickets with expiration dates. A server-oriented winning notice and redemption mechanism is devised for the Taiwan electronic invoices, for example, to avoid impersonators. The generation and purchasing of prize tickets sometimes are shared among a group of people. The redemption mechanism should be fairly conducted with misappropriation avoidance. The third protocol presents a secure trading mechanism for group-buying lotteries. Using cloud services as a fair third-party, the protocol authenticates mobile users and protects both transmissions and storages of information by secure encryption technology. A mobile user uses anonymous accounts and one-time passwords to protect confidential information and prevent duplicate redemptions and forgeries.


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