  • 學位論文


Development and Improvement of An Effort-Saving Cutter Design

指導教授 : 陳維隆


本研究以根基於傳統破壞剪為基礎,所進行的省力型破壞剪設計為研究標的。透過電腦輔助工程技術的導入,同步在產品的概念發展過程中,逐步模擬試驗結構設計參數及比較,將分析結果即時回饋設計參數,試圖達到省力型破壞剪結構強度優化的目標。 透過有限元素軟體分析產品結構強度的技術,逐一驗證刀刃及各部零件的設計參數,並藉由驗證過程中的比較,進行各部零件結構強度的設計參數調整,以得到改善優化的解決方案。因為在設計過程中若使用過多的材料會造成成本增加及資源的浪費;不足的材料使用又會降低產品的品質及壽命,更將對企業產生負面影響。 過去,傳統上大部份的產品發展技術知識的累積多在試誤循環中慢慢成長。未來,企業採用可降低這些設計成本及提升競爭力的可行方案中,虛擬化設計分析與製造將會是一個重要選項。


刀刃 破壞剪 結構強度 有限元素


This objective of this study is to design an effort-saving cutting tool based on traditional bolt cutters. The Computer-Aided Engineering approach was implemented in the design process. Based on the concepts of concurrent product development, step-by step simulations were conducted to determine the major design parameters and sensitivity analysis were conducted for the purpose of development an effort-saving cutting tool with optimized cutting edges. Finite element software was utilized to analyze the strength of the product structure and verify the design parameters of the cutting edges and all the parts. During the comparison and verification, the design parameters related to the structural strengths of the parts were adjusted to achieve improved design. Redundant materials in design may increase of substantially, while using insufficient materials may lead to lower product quality and shorter product life, causing effects on the enterprise. In the past, the advanced of technology and knowledge for most traditional product development have been accumulated adversary based on trial-and-error approach. However, enterprises can adopt the feasible solution with lower costs to improve their competitiveness. Incorporate with virtual design analysis and manufacturing is an important option.


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