  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Establishing Interdisciplinary R&D Team By Academy Cooperation Between A University and Romp Enterprise Co.; Ltd.

指導教授 : 嚴國慶


近年來,電腦與網路的發達,使得知識與資訊的創造力越來越強大,傳遞的速度以及範圍可說是無遠弗屆,這是一個「知識經濟」的時代。因此,創新、合作、研發以及培育人才、留住人才,可說是推動國家現代化與增強國家與產業競爭力的重要關鍵課題。 綜觀台灣產業可以發現,百分之九十七以上均為中小企業。由於企業本身的研究發展能力有限,若能結合學校具有創新、課程編排、優秀人才以及產業具有之管理、金流、物流等領域的優勢資源,注重創新研發流程、產業系統整合、製造服務以及全球運籌,將為企業帶來莫大的助力。 本研究以龍浦興業股份有限公司與學校合作系所為研究對象,歷經互訪、產業實習、產學合作等流程建立跨領域研發團隊,並達到遴選優秀人才,提升企業研發之深度與廣度。此外,本研究亦首先提出產學合作之激勵條款,鼓勵參與之研發人員、開發人員達到高品質高效率之目標。 結合產業系統之跨領域科技趨勢與整合、產業分析與創新等專長能力,將更能產生綜效,提升跨領域產業競爭力,並培育可預見之未來所急需的高階跨領域領袖人才以及研發團隊。


Recently, due to the development of computer and internet, the creativity of knowledge and information become more and more powerful. And their spread speed and range are very huge. This is the era of a "knowledge economy". Hence, how to get the innovation, cooperation, research and development, nurture and the talents are the important issuses for promoting the country''s modernization and industrial competitiveness. It can be found that over 97 percent of Taiwan''s industries are small and medium-sized enterprises. Their research and development capabilities are limited. Combined with the innovative curriculum, talents, industry management of university and cash flow, logistics of enterprises will be helpful for the industries to enhance these abilities. It is also important that the cooperation between the university and enterprises in the innovation and R & D process, hence the industrial system integration, manufacturing services and global operations will achieve the best result. In this study, the Romp Enterprise Co., Ltd. and the Department of CSIE of Chaoyang University of Technology are a joint R & D partners. Both through visits, industry internships, industry-university cooperation program to establish a cross-cutting R & D team. It is helpful for the selection of talents and to enhance the depth and breadth of the corporate R & D. In addition, the proposed terms of the incentive for industry-university cooperation can encourage participation in the R & D personnel to reach the goals of high quality and efficiency. This study found that the integration of the industrial system of cross-cutting technology trends and industry expertise capacity of analysis and innovation can enhance the cross-cutting industrial competitiveness, and nurture high-level cross-cutting. These approaches can develop the future leaders of high-level cross-cutting personnel and R & D team.


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