  • 學位論文


A Photoelectrocatalytic Method Using Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Arrays for Chemical Oxygen Demand Determination

指導教授 : 王文裕


化學需氧量 (Chemical oxygen demand, COD) 是主要的水質監測項目 之一。目前檢測 COD 的標準方法主要為重鉻酸鉀法 (CODcr );但該法分 析時間長且繁瑣、容易產生二次污染;因此無法因應即時水質監測需求。 由於二氧化鈦優異的物理、化學、光學等性質,讓二氧化鈦成功地被應用 於光觸媒反應。本研究利用二氧化鈦奈米管陣列膜,與白金電極、甘汞電 極,組裝成三電極光電催化反應系統。此反應系統之 UV 光源與二氧化 鈦膜間距為 1 cm、光強度 20 mW/cm 2 ;並以不同實驗變因 (包括偵測時 間、外加電壓、pH、氯鹽濃度),在不同濃度的標準品模擬廢水中測試其 光電量對 COD 濃度之變化。結果顯示,光電量會隨著溶液濃度 (10 - 300 mg/L) 增加而增加,在外加電壓 0.4V、偵測時間 10 秒、pH 4 - 10 時, 抗氯鹽干擾濃度可達 600 mg/L,達到最佳操作條件。本研究並對三電極 光電催化反應系統系統進行性能評估,結果顯示,穩定性 0.3 %、再現性 0.9 %、偵測極限 0.6 mg/L。最後,並以真實廢水驗證本系統的可用性, 結果顯示真實廢水以光電催化所得之光電量,經標準校正線所對應的 COD,與真實廢水 CODcr 的相關線性達 0.996。顯示本系統適用於產業 廢水排放之放流水化學需氧量之快速檢測。


Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is one of the main items of water quality monitoring parameters. The standard method for the detection of COD is potassium dichromate method (CODcr ). The standard dichromate chemical oxygen demand (COD) method is a time-consuming and tedious and prone to the shortcomings of secondary pollution. The standard method can not be timely monitoring Demand. due to superior physical, chemical, and optical properties, titanium dioxide has been successfully applied to photocatalytic reaction. In this study, used a TiO2 nanotube arrays film, a platinum electrode and a calomel electrode to setup a three-electrodes photoelectrocatalysis reaction system. In this photoelectrocatalytic system the fixed spacing between UV lamp and TiO2 is 1 cm and light intensity is 20 mW/cm 2 . A constant potential coulometry method was applied to determine various COD values of different concentrations of standard solution with different experimental variables (such as detection time, applied voltage, pH, and chlorine ion concentration). The experimental results show that the detected coulombs increase with the COD concentration (10 - 300 mg/L) increased.The best detection parameters are 0.4 V of applied voltage, 10 seconds of detection time and solution pH 4 – 10. At the meantime up to 600 mg/L of molestation chlorine ions of were dispelled. The performances of the three electrode reaction system were also evaluated. The results show 0.3 % of stability, 0.9 % of reproducibility and 0.6 mg/L of detection limit. Finally, availability of this system to the true waste water was also verified. The detected coulombs by the constant potential coulometry method with different domestic industrial wastewaters were corresponds to corrected line of standard CODcr and a linear III relationship (R 2 = 0.996) was found. The results reveal this system is suitable for the fast detection of COD in effluent of various industrial wastewater.


王國華,“以 UV/TiO2 程序處理氣相中三氯乙烯之研究”,國立中興大學
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