  • 學位論文


Building an Augmented Reality-based Motion Planning Scheme for Industrial Robot

指導教授 : 鄭宗明


機器手臂動作規劃為製造業自動化之重要工作,機器動作除可替代人類工作時之手部及大、小肢體動作,亦可連貫執行手部與機器之整合動作。由於具備可程式控制之本質,使機器手臂具有能快速適應異動之工作彈性,故成為工業4.0智慧製造環境之必要工具。然而,工作動作之多樣性乃隨產品樣式與數量之成長而正比增加,且為了確認動作符合實際需求,設定之工作通常須在生產現場實測進行。如此的作法就需要暫停工作並佔用生產線,當設定過程較為繁瑣耗時,就會直接增加整體生產之前置時間。本研究乃採用擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)之技術,運用AR標記定義實體工作空間之關鍵操作位置,並藉由逆向運動產生機器手臂動作軌跡之控制數據,再以虛擬空間之相等外型機器手臂模擬動作可行性。如此除可參考真實背景設立標記,亦可運用虛擬設施於遠端或離線進行工作規劃,促進機器手臂之虛實整合式控制能力。


Planning precise motions and paths for industrial robots are routine tasks in nowadays automatic production systems. Robots have been widely implemented on production sites to replace manual skills and connect operations among machines. Since the nature of programmable and high precision makes robots the perfect tool of flexibility, they also become the perfect partners for Industry 4.0 intelligent production environment. Therefore, the latest design of products will have to consider automatic handling of robots if necessary, and the overall needs of handling tools, motions and product versatility will soar at the same time. In the past, most engineers preferred setting up task points on sites with manual assists and visual verifications. Those testing processes usually bring interruptions to the on-going tasks and, thus, create inefficiencies. As robot tasks become more and diverse, planning motions for robots should be made more intuitive, off-line, off-site, and remotely to relieve the loading and facilitate the process. This research will implement Augmented Reality (AR) techniques to identify 3D positions on-site using AR markers, and transform 3D task points into robot joint parameters with reverse kinematics. The joint parameters are then performed on a 3D mimic in the AR virtual environment with realistic background for feasibility verification. The whole process then become a remote or off-line cyber-physical system (CPS) for robot motion planning.


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