  • 學位論文

運用精實管理與價值流圖進行生產效率優化 -以E公司測試區為例

Using Lean Management and Value Stream Mapping to Optimize Production Efficiency-a Case Study of E Company CP Area

指導教授 : 林均燁


晶圓製造的生產流程極為複雜,再加上機台設備昂貴,使得晶圓廠的設立需要有完整且謹慎的規劃方式。因為台灣的半導體產業發展的算早,早期的晶圓製造廠皆已經建廠超過20年,所以當初的設計可能已漸漸不符合現今的產能需求。但若是要投入大量的金錢,購買新機台擴充產能,依目前的產業大環境,實是一個難以抉擇的考量。 精實管理是源自於日本豐田式的生產製造概念,其生產管理技術,能夠大幅度減少閒置時間、作業切換時間、庫存等之浪費行為,並提高生產效率。它追求的價值流導向與持續改善,正是上述的晶圓製造廠迫切需要的學習典範。 本論文是以晶圓廠的測試區作為研究對象,運用現場管理五大要素的要因分析,針對個案公司重新檢視其生產效率、系統支援以及機台擺設等,找出各項影響產出之要因,再以精實管理、價值流圖,加上設施規劃等合適的對策方案,予以改善。 本研究最終優化了人員效率、機台妥善率與空間利用率等,讓每月平均的測試總產出由優化前約24500片,提升到31000片。達到每月需 28000片之產能目標。並且經計算後每年約有 700萬 ~ 1000萬元的投資回收,驗證本研究之方法確實改善效果顯著。


The production process of wafer manufacturing is extremely complicated and the equipment is very expensive. Therefore, to build a wafer fab requires a complete and prudent planning. Due to the fact that the development of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan is quite early, the former wafer fabs has been built for more than 20 years ago. Therefore, the original design of these fabs may have gradually failed to meet the current capacity requirements. However, because of the current difficult industrial environment, it’s hard for vendors to invest a lot of money to buy new machines to expand production capacity. Lean management is derived from the concept of Toyota's production system in Japan. Its production management skills can significantly reduce idling time, switching time and stock, it also improves production efficiency. The value of process orientation and continuous improvement it pursues is exactly what the aforementioned wafer fabs need to learn from. This study is based on the fab's test area as the research object, using cause and effect diagram of 4M1E, by examining the production efficiency, system support, and machine furnishings, to find out the factors that influence production output and improve it by lean management, value stream mapping, and facilities design mathodologies. This study ultimately optimized personnel efficiency, machine availability, and space utilization. The average monthly test output increased from approximately 24,500 to 31,000 which exceeded the monthly production target of 28,000 tablets. And there are about 7 million to 10 million dollars in investment return each year, verifying that overall efficiency will be significantly improved after adopting the method of this study.


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