  • 學位論文


Marketing Management Strategies of Social Media (Facebook) in Taiwan-A Case Study of Apparel Wholesale Merchants

指導教授 : 凃鈺城


近幾年,由於國外知名連鎖平價服飾陸續登台搶市,例如ZARA與UNIQLO,對於競爭激烈的平價成衣批發市場帶來不小的衝擊與震撼,在這種競爭激烈的平價成衣批發市場要佔有一席之地,需要強化行銷與管理,才能避免在競爭的潮流中被淹沒。由於電商崛起加上近年社群媒體的盛行以及行動上網技術的成熟,許多企業與店家紛紛運用社群媒體行銷與銷售平台,店家商品訊息、優惠、促銷活動透過社群媒體讓客戶獲得,這是相當有創意且即時的行銷手法。 本研究主要在探討平價成衣批發商應用Facebook行銷的優勢、應用Facebook行銷的策略及成效、應用Facebook經營粉絲團的方式。 本研究經由訪談並分析得知: 1.平價成衣批發商應用Facebook的行銷優勢是節省鉅額廣告費、多種互動模式、傳播效益、粉絲團門檻低。 2.平價成衣批發商應用Facebook的行銷策略是便利性、客群、按讚數調整庫存、口碑行銷。 3.平價成衣批發商使用Facebook來行銷的成效是客源變廣。 4.平價成衣批發商應用Facebook經營粉絲團的主要方式是貼文更新、具創意、與客戶即時互動、廣告策略。


In recent years, it has caused considerable impact and shock to the fierce competition of parity apparel wholesale market due to foreign well-known chains of parity apparel staged and grabbed the Taiwan's market one after another, such as ZARA and UNIQLO. It needs to strengthen marketing and management in order to have a place in this competitive parity apparel wholesale market so that it can avoid being submerged in the competitive trend. With the rise of e-commerce and the prevalence of social media in recent years, as well as the maturity of mobile Internet technologies, many businesses and stores all rely on social media marketing and sales platforms. Many stores' product discount information, and promotions are available through social medias and customers. This is a very creative and immediate marketing approach. This study focuses on the advantages of Facebook marketing in parity apparel wholesale merchants application, the strategy of applying Facebook marketing and the application of Facebook's fan group. Through interviews and analysis, this study shows that: 1.The advantage of marketing of parity apparel wholesale merchants market applying Facebook was to save huge advertising fees, have a variety of interactive modes, spread benefits, and lower the fans threshold. 2.Parity apparel wholesale merchants application Facebook's marketing strategy is convenience, customer group, according to the number of praise adjusted inventory, Word-of-mouth marketing. 3.The effectiveness that businesses of parity apparel wholesale merchants market applying Facebook to market was to widen customer source. 4.The main way that parity apparel wholesale merchants stores use Facebook to manage their fan bases is to update their posts, be creative, interact with customers in real time, and use advertising strategies.


Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68. doi: Doi 10.1016/J.Bushor.2009.09.003
