  • 學位論文


Study on the Capability Index of Information Education in 12-Year National Education

指導教授 : 陳榮昌


本研究主要探討研究十二年國民基本教育108年課程綱要國民中學「科技領域-資訊科技課程」中學習表現應學習具備能力及指標之建立,以學術界資訊科技相關教師為對象。本研究透過文獻探討和修正式德爾菲法進行研究,整理出13個能力項目69個指標問項,藉此建構資訊科技課程學習的能力與指標。本研究並藉由專家小組意見分析探討國中階段學習者應學習具備那些能力,以達到課程綱要中學習表現四大方向及未來延伸學習的能力。本研究的研究結果可以提供教育主管單位、資訊科技教師、教材發展及教科書編撰單位,作為改進各項教學及課程規劃與實施情形之參考,進而提升我國資訊科技教育適切性。 研究結果顯示非常重要能力項重要程度最高者為「實踐符合法律與道德之行為」包含兩項指標「認識網路智慧財產權相關法律,不侵犯智財權」與「認識網路隱私權相關法律,保護個人及他人隱私」。第二高為「創新能力」包含三項指標「從不同的角度看問題」、「學習和別人腦力激盪」及「學會抽絲剝繭,學習在諸多訊息中找到共通點或是規範」。第三高為「研究能力」包含三項指標「具備資料蒐集」、「具備分析和理解資料」及「瞭解解決問題的過程」。第四高為「批判性思考能力」包含四項指標「具有開闊心胸勇於挑戰」、「探索真理的好奇與渴望」、「尋求可信的證據並加以合理評估」與「謙卑與誠實勇於認錯」。


The study mainly explores the capability indicators that should be included in the learning performance of information education curriculum in the 12 years of basic education in Taiwan. For the viewpoint of academic information technology teachers, through literature review and modified Delphi method Conducted research, sorted out 13 capability projects and 69 indicators to build capacity indicators for the education of information technology. Based on the opinions of experts, the students in middle school should learn the ability to achieve the four directions of learning performance in the 108-year syllabus and their ability to learn in the future, provide education-related units as the reference for improving teaching, thereby enhancing the relevance of information technology education in our country. The results of the study show that the most important item was “Practicing law and ethical behaviour”. It contains two indexes, for i.e., Understanding the relevant laws of intellectual property rights on the Internet, does not infringe intellectual property rights and Understanding the relevant laws of network privacy rights, and protecting the privacy of individuals and others. The second highest was “Innovation ability”. It contains three indexes, for i.e., viewing problems from different perspectives, learning to brainstorming with others and Learning to scrounging and learning to finding common ground or specifications in many messages. The third highest was “Research ability”. It contains three indexes, for i.e., having the ability of collecting information, having the ability of analyzing and understandina data and Understanding the process of solving the problem. The fourth highest was Critical thinking ability. It contains four indexes, for i.e., having an open mind to challenge, Exploring the curiosity and desire of the truth, Seeking reliable evidence and making a reasonable assessment and Humility and honesty, and the courage to admit mistakes.


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