  • 學位論文


Combining Wearable Device and Environments Factors to Predict the Heart Rate

指導教授 : 陳榮靜


有鑑於技術和硬體的日新月異,人們可以藉由穿戴式裝置來達到自我監督健康的目的,不必再依靠昂貴的專業器材,即可即時的得到一些數據來表現目前的狀況,不僅可以節省常跑醫院的時間,還有能隨時提醒身體是否過累或者有異狀。老年化社會的議題,一直是全世界必須所正視的問題,老人越來越多,年輕人越來越少,不僅僅安養照顧的時間需要更多,而且使他們在於醫療花費更加沉重,為減少此現象,可以使他們配戴穿戴式裝置來監測健康,讓子女可以藉由手機應用程式的表現來達到監督的目的,在父母身體突然出現不規律的異常,及早帶他們上醫院進行更進一步的檢查。Apple 公司為Apple Watch搭載了敏銳的心率感測器,可以在不知不覺下得到心率資訊,傳統的必須去”刻意”按下檢測按鈕,常常為用戶帶來不便,讓老年人也不太適應此模式,所以我們選定可以Apple Watch來當作蒐集資料的媒介,而配合iPhone還可以將資料導出進行您想要的資料分析。本研究在於使用多種參數來評測相關參數是否會造成心率有不規律的影響,並且列出排名影響的參數的重要性,同時也對心率做出可視化資料處理,讓使用者可以更顯而易懂的知道自己的身體狀況,由分鐘、小時慢慢放大時間到每周、每月,利用月曆的方式,呈現出該名受測者的生活規律與習慣。行動醫療的普及,讓使用者覺得這些專業儀器不再是遙不可及,即可達到自我監測的目的,即是本文所要探討的效果。 關鍵詞:心率,Apple Watch,行動醫療,老年化社會,穿戴式裝置


Nowadays, the pace of life is becoming faster and faster with the advancement of technologies. People can supervise themselves health by using the wearable device. They don't buy any expensive professional device to get the data. The wearable can do the same thing in real time. Not only people can save time but also the watch can push the health notification. Aging population society issue becomes dangerous in the world. Elders increased, but children decreased. This is not the good phenomenon. Healthcare fee will become more than before. By using the wearable device can reduce the healthcare fee. To reduce the phenomenon, we can let them who wearing the smartwatch. If the heart rate is abnormal, we can bring them to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Apple company provides the robust heart rate sensor which can catch the heart rate data invisibly and quickly. In the past, you should touch the screen to catch the data. It is not convenience. The elder is hard to use it. So, we choose Apple Watch to get the data by iPhone, and we can export the data which we want to collect. In this thesis, we choose some parameters which can affect the heart rate and we make a rank with these parameters. In addition, we also do the data visualization. Let the user can know their health status easily. We can realize what the user lifecycle is. The user can supervise health status by himself. Keywords: Heart Rate, Apple Watch, Mobile medical, Aging population society, Wearable device


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