  • 學位論文


Parent Education Participation and Needs in Infant Care Centers

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


本研究旨在了解台中市托嬰中心親職教育的實施情形與家長對於親職教育之參與及需求情形。採用問卷調查法,使用SPSS進行資料處理與結果分析,分析方法包含:描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與雪費檢定法,研究結果如下: 一、 托嬰中心舉辦親職教育活動之情形 (一) 家長曾經使用或參與托嬰中心的親職教育活動以及該機構曾經提供或舉辦的親職教育活動,個別類型依序為「家庭聯絡簿」、「通知單」及「接送時例行晤談」;團體類型依序為「親子活動」、「公佈欄張貼」及「親職教育專題演講與研究」。 (二) 機構常使用的通知方式依序為「通知單」、「網路/Email/Line/簡訊」 及「機構人員口頭/電話邀約」。 (三) 參與機構活動的成員,以父母親一起參加為最多;未能參與的原因為「工作忙碌沒時間」及「辦理時間不恰當無法配合」。 二、 家長對於親職教育活動舉辦之方式需求 (一) 家長個別類型的最高需求依序為家庭聯絡簿、接送時例行晤談及通知單;而最低需求為家庭訪問,其次為出版機構刊物及電話訪問。 (二) 個別類型-家庭訪問的方式,父親的需求顯著高於母親;家庭聯絡簿的方式,母親的需求顯著高於父親。 (三) 個別類型-電話訪問的方式,41歲以上者的需求顯著高於31~40歲者;接送時例行晤談的方式,31~40歲者的需求,顯著高於21~30歲者。 (四) 個別類型-家庭聯絡簿與電腦網路(Email, Line)或簡訊的方式,研究所以上學歷者的需求,顯著高於高中職以下學歷者。 (五) 個別類型-家庭訪問的方式,所得30,000~49,999元、50,000~69,999元、70,000~89,999元者的需求,顯著高於所得90,000元以上者;家庭聯絡簿、接送時例行晤談、通知單的方式,皆為所得90,000元以上者的需求,顯著高於所得30,000~49,999元者。 (六) 家長團體類型的最高需求依序為親子活動、參觀中心活動為主;最低需求為讀書會或心得分享,其次為親職團體座談或會議。家長期望親職教育活動安排以假日白天為最多。 三、 家長對於親職教育活動舉辦之內容需求 (一) 家長的最高需求依序為嬰幼兒適當的管教方式、親子溝通技巧、嬰幼兒意外傷害防治或醫療照護;最低需求為經營家庭與婚姻的方法,其次為嬰幼兒副食品之調製、嬰幼兒洗澡或按摩活動。 (二) 在嬰幼兒副食品之調製的活動內容、新生兒之照顧及護理的活動內容,皆為專科學歷者的需求,顯著高於研究所以上學歷者。 (三) 在嬰幼兒副食品之調製、新生兒之照顧及護理、嬰幼兒安撫技巧內容,皆為家中未成年子女數1人者的需求,顯著高於家中未成年子女數2人以上者。 (四) 在經營家庭與婚姻的活動內容,嬰幼兒托育時間為18個月~24個月的家長,顯著高於托育時間為6個月~12個月者。 最後,根據研究結果提出以下建議: 一、 托嬰中心舉辦親職教育活動的時間應以週六、日的白天為主要考量。 二、 托嬰中心以個別類型辦理親職教育以家庭聯絡簿最受家長喜愛,其次為接送時例行晤談及通知單。科技日新月異,與親師間聯繫便利,考量環保,未來建議可逐步使用數位化溝通方式(Email, Line或簡訊)為輔助,也應加強托育人員填寫家庭聯絡本的訓練。 三、 托嬰中心舉辦親職教育活動的類型、內容則建議考量家長需求而選定親職教育活動的主題與舉辦內容,如親子活動、參觀中心、嬰幼兒管教方式、親子溝通技巧…等,藉此吸引家長參與。 對未來研究之建議: 一、擴展研究區域進行研究探討,所得研究結果將更具代表性。 二、增加相關變項,提高對學術與實務工作者的參考價值。 三、能輔以質性研究,進行訪談蒐集相關資料,促使研究更加完善周全。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of parent education of infant care centers in Taichung, and parents’ participation and needs. This study used questionnaire survey method, and used SPSS to analyze data and results. Analysis methods included descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, Anova test, and Scheffé post hoc tests. Results are as follows: 1. The status quos of parent education activities held by the infant care centers: a. Parent education activities of infant care centers were divided into two types: individual and group types. The most frequently held individual activities and used by parents were “program-parent communication book", "notice" and "regular meetings during pick-up”. The most frequently held group activities and used by parents were “parents-child activities", "bulletin boards" and "parent education seminar and research". b. The most frequently used notification methods by programs were "Notice", “Internet/Email/Line/text message" and "Staff Oral/Telephone Invitation". c. Parents were most likely to attend parent education activities together. The reasons for not attending parent education activities were "busy with work and had no time" and "the time of parent education did not match parents’ schedule". 2. Parents’ needs for parent education: a. The highest demands for individual types of parent education were program-parent communication book, regular meetings during pick-up, and notices. The lowest demands were home visit, program publications and telephone interviews. b. For individual types of parent education, fathers had significantly higher needs for family visits; mothers had higher needs for program-parent communication book. c. Parents over the age of 41 had significantly higher needs for telephone interview than parents aged 31 to 40. Parents aged 31-40 had higher needs for regular meetings during the pick-up than parents aged 21 to 30. d. Parents with post-graduate education background had significantly higher needs for program-parent communication books, and telecommunication such as Email, Line, texting than parents with high school educational background. e. Parents with monthly family incomes of $30,000~$49,999, $50,000~$69,999, $70,000~$89,999 had significantly higher needs for home visits than parents with monthly family income above $90,000. Parents with monthly family income above $90,000 had significantly higher needs for program-parent communication, regular meetings during pick-up, and notice than parents with monthly family income of $30,000~$49,999. f. The highest demands of group parent education activities were parents-child activities and program visiting activity. The lowest demands were study groups, parent education seminars or meetings. Parents hoped to schedule parent education activities during day time during weekends. 3. Needs of parent education contents: a. The highest demands of parent education contents were appropriate discipline for infants and children, parent-child communication skills, infant and children accident prevention or medical care. The lowest demands were managing family and marriage, preparation of solid food, infant bath or massage. b. About the modulation of non-staple food and newborn care and nursing are the needs of specialist, which is significantly higher than masters or above. c. Parents with college education had significantly higher needs for preparation of solid food and newborn care and nursing than parents with post-graduate education. Parents with one child had significantly higher needs for preparation of solid food, newborn care and nursing, and comforting skills of infants and children than parents with more than two children. d. Parents with children cared for a period of 18-24 months had significantly higher needs for managing family and marriages than parents with children cared for a period of 6-12 months. Based on the research results, the following recommendations are suggested: 1. Parent education activities of infant care centers should be scheduled during daytime on weekends. 2. Program-parent communication book, regular meetings during pick-up, and notices are popular among parents. For environmental considerations, digital communication methods (Email, Line or SMS) can be used to supplement traditional ways of communication in the future. In addition, caregivers should be trained to effectively communicate with parents. 3. Infant care programs should consider parents’ needs in planning parent education activities and contents to increase parent participation, such as parent-child activities, program visits, discipline methods for infants and young children, parent-child communication skills, etc. Suggestions for future research: 1. Future research can expand research areas to include other cities or areas to increase external validity. 2. Future research can include more relevant variables of parent education. 3. Qualitative research such as in-depth interviews can be conducted to further understand parents’ and programs’ views towards parent education.


