  • 學位論文

以公開資料與光散傳感器為基礎探究交通流量與 PM2.5 之關聯性

Using Open Data and Light Scattering Infrared Sensors to Explore the Relationship between Traffic Flow and PM2.5

指導教授 : 李素箱 鄭江宇


空氣污染問題近年來越來越受到各界矚目,特別是大氣中肉眼所無法看見之 PM2.5污染。雖然過去許多研究已經證實 PM2.5對於人體所帶來之傷害,然而對於 PM2.5成因仍眾說紛紜。一般認知機動車輛所排放之廢氣可能是 PM2.5濃度升高的原因之一,而截至目前為止仍少有研究針對此項目進行驗證。有鑑於此,本研究以開放資料為基礎,探討兩者 PM2.5 濃度與車流量之間是否確實存有顯著關聯性。除此之外,為彌補開放資料中的廣域 PM2.5 濃度值無法正確對應區域 PM2.5 濃度值之缺憾,本研究額外以自行架設之 PM2.5傳感器來收集區域 PM2.5 濃度數據,此舉將有助於交叉驗證廣域資料分析之發現。研究結果顯示,PM2.5 濃度與交通流量之間確實存在一定程度之顯著關聯性,然而卻有時呈現兩者無顯著相關、甚至是兩者負相關之情況,可能原因在於 PM2.5污染源濃度,尚有可能受風速、風向、濕度等其他天候因素影響而改變。在研究貢獻方面,本研究使用開放資料來探討 PM2.5污染與車流量關聯性,由於前述所使用的資料兼具「時空特性」以及「廣域與區域」,故研究結果可供政府空污防制政策運用參考。


PM2.5 開放資料 交通流量


In recent years, the issue of air pollution, especially invisible particulate matter (so-called PM2.5), receives highly attention from all sectors of society. Although previous research has validated that PM2.5 damages human health, divergent claims about reasons behind the PM2.5 are upheld in academia. Vehicle exhaust emissions are generally believed to be one of the reasons that cause high level of PM2.5; however, this postulation so far requires academic validation. To this end, this study applies the open data of PM2.5 value to explore the significant relationship between the level of PM2.5 and the number of stir vehicles on the road. In addition, the current study deployed self-monitored PM2.5 micro sensors not only to collect localized PM2.5 value, but also to overcome the limitation of the open data, a wide-area dataset that cannot accurately correspond to the local value of PM2.5. This could help to further validate the analysis outcome of wide-area PM2.5 data. The research findings indicate that the level of PM2.5 and the number of vehicles are significantly and positively correlated with each other to a certain extent, but that these two values sometimes show no or negative correlation. The explanation for this is that wind speed, wind directions, humidity, and other meteorological factors — all may vary the level of PM2.5. The findings of this study could serve as a reference when the government is developing anti-air pollution policies, because this study takes into account temporal and spatial variations by encompassing both wide-area and local PM2.5 value from the open data and self-collected data respectively.


PM2.5 open data the number of vehicles


2.立法院 (2018),空氣污染防制法修正草案,https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=6588&pid=166957 (last accessed: 2018/04/12)。
3.自由時報 (2018),工廠勒令停工偷啟爐空氣盒子逮到,http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1188199 (last accessed: 2018/03/30)。
4.交通部統計查詢網 (2016),我國汽車車齡結構,https://stat.motc.gov.tw/mocdb/stmain.jsp?sys=100 (last accessed: 2018/01/24)。
