  • 學位論文


The Comparison Study of Interior Decoration in Public Space of Religious Hospitals

指導教授 : 陳信安


經濟與時代的變遷,現代人對於醫療的需求,除了良好的醫療技術外,對於醫療空間與服務品質的要求更向上提升許多,舒適優美的醫療環境可以使醫護人員、病患及家屬三方的心理產生微妙的影響,是一種非人為介入及非藥物的作用。而醫療環境除了是整棟建築物的外在表現,更是反映出整體視覺感官意象的地方;近年來與醫療環境相關的研究大多著重在於醫療體系的維護、結構體的分析、設備及節能的探討,對於醫療內部空間研究並不多;因此,本研究將透過三間宗教型醫院進行室內裝修比較,探究當宗教意象介入醫療空間時,在室內裝修該如何運用及規劃設計。 研究方法主要採取觀察法,透過醫療空間實景觀察拍照記錄,進行各醫院公共空間室內裝修中: (1)宗教意象、(2)色彩、(3)材質、(4)照明系統的詳細記敘,再以定型稿形式進行比較分析。 最後本研究發現三間宗教型醫院,因一般使用者進入醫院的第一印象是大廳其次是梯廳再來候診空間,所以在大廳皆有顯著的宗教意象導入,其次是梯廳,多是採用壁畫、圖像或是其他材質嵌牆訴說典故來傳達院內宗旨及精神,候診空間已進入醫療空間,則無宗教意象注入;其他共同點,室內裝修色彩部分多選用白色基調為主,米白色及灰色為輔;室內裝修材質壁面及地坪多數是選用石材、拋光石英磚及壁板等;燈光大多使用白色光源,部分造型主牆才會使用黃色光源以凸顯之重要性或是營造溫馨感。


In the modern society, people not only demand updated medical technologies, but also comfortable medical space and excellent service quality. A comfortable and pleasant medical environment can subtly influence the psychology of medical personnel, patients and relatives. It is non-artificial intervention and non-medical function. Medical environment is the external appearance of the whole building and it reflects overall visual and sensory image. In recent years, research on medical environment mostly focus on the maintenance of medical system, analysis of structure, and study on facilities and energy saving instead of internal medical space. This study compared the interior design of three religious hospital, and probed into the application and planning of interior design when religious images intervene in medical space. The research method was observation. The researcher observed and recorded the (1)religious image, (2)colors, (3)materials, (4)lighting in the hospital public space. Photos were taken and compared using fixed table. This study found that in the three religious hospitals, as the hospital lobby makes the first impression on visitors, there are obvious displays of religious images. Wall paintings or decorations of other materials on the walls present the origins, missions, and spirit of the hospitals. As to color, the lobbies are mostly white, with the matching color of beige and grey. Walls and ground are made of stone, polished porcelain tiles and wallboards. Lighting is mostly white color. Yellow lighting is only used on some walls of modeling to highlight the importance or create the warmness.


