  • 學位論文


Learning Effectiveness of Eighth Grade Students Using Energy Innovation Teaching Materials: A Middle School in the Greater Tun District, Taichung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 王文裕 白子易


摘要 能源教育是實現永續校園之必要條件,本研究運用「能源創新教材學習成效之分析測驗問卷」施測,藉台中市屯區某國中進行現地教學,分析八年級學生使用能源創新教材前測與後測的知識提升程度;本研究與國科會的教學團隊在不同年級使用此教材的結果統計與比較。問卷共分再生能源、非再生能源、節能減碳3個向度,研究所得資料以Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS)統計版軟體(18.0版)進行描述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定,其研究結果如下: 一、根據前測結果,學生對於推行多年的基礎能源知識已稍具概念, 所以在第一向度「再生能源」的答對率約達72%以上。但在「新興能源」(43%)及「碳捕獲儲存技術」(47%)這2個向度的施測結果中顯示答對比率偏低,顯見對於「新興能源」及「碳捕獲儲存技術」部分的相關知識仍有待提升。 二、從不同年級使用能源創新教材的施測結果統計比較得知,實施教材教學後,五年級實驗組與八年級實驗組皆明顯提升。不論在哪一個向度,實驗組的答對率均優於對照組。可見除了能加強現行一般教科書之不足處,也可以提供給12年國民教育單位推廣能源教育課程之參考。 三、在成對樣本t檢定中,實驗組在前測對後測的平均數分別為-1.91、-2.59、-1.93、-6.33,可見後測的平均數明顯提高;且無論哪1個向度顯著性雙尾值均為0.000<0.05,即表示實驗組透過能源創新教材學習後,對能源認知知識明顯提升。對照組中前測對後測的平均得分分別為為1.36、1.00、2.71、5.07,其顯著性雙尾值分別為0.089、0.228、0.008、0.020,除第三向度以外均 > 0.05,由數據結果可以看出未透過能源創新教材學習者,學習成效並無明顯提昇。 四、以獨立樣本t檢定整體分析而言,實驗組前測其顯著性值(0.796、0.301、0.239、0.346) > 0.05,顯示未經創新教材學習時並無顯著差異,但透過創新教材學習後,各個向度的顯著差異雙尾顯著性,顯著雙尾值(0.000、0.000、0.000、0.000)< 0.05,即表示實驗組透過能源創新教材學習後,對能源知識及其相關概念的學習成效明顯提升。 期望透過研究結果提出具體建議,供未來推廣相關教材之參考。 關鍵字:全球暖化;能源認知;節能減碳;教材成效。


Abstract Energy education is necessary for the realization of a sustainable campus. This study questionnaires analyzing the learning effectiveness after using energy innovation teaching materials at a middle school in Taichung, Taiwan. Pre-tests and post-tests were used to investigate improvements in eighth grade students' knowledge. The results of this study were compared to those of the National Science Council's teaching team using these materials in other grades. Questionnaires were divided into three dimensions: renewable energy, non-renewable energy, and energy conservation and carbon reduction. Data was analyzed using SPSS (version 18) statistical software for descriptive statistics, paired sample t-tests, and independent sample t-tests. Results were as follows: 1. According to questionnaire pre-test results, students already had a concept of energy due to years of basic knowledge education; therefore, the correct answer ratio for the first dimension, renewable energy, was over 72%. However, the correct answer ratios for emerging energies (43%) and carbon capture and storage technology (47%), indicating that students still require education in these fields. 2. After comparison with the results of using energy innovation teaching materials in other grade levels, post-tests showed that test groups for both fifth grade and eighth grade students had noticeable increases. For all dimensions, the correct answer ratios for the test group were all superior to the control group. Therefore, in addition to strengthening the deficiencies in current text books, these results can serve as a reference in promoting energy education within Taiwan's mandatory twelve-year education system. 3. Paired sample t-tests for the test group showed that pre-test average scores differed from post-tests -1.91, -2.59, -1.93, and -6.33. This shows that average post-test scores improved greatly. For all dimensions, two-tailed significance were 0.000 < 0.05, indicating that test group students' cognition of energy improved significantly after using energy innovation teaching materials. Pre-test to post-test comparisons for the control group showed average scores differed 1.36, 1.00, 2.71, and 5.07. Two-tailed significance values were 0.089, 0.228, 0.008, and 0.020, respectively. Only the third dimension was significant (<0.05). Results show that learning effectiveness does not clearly increase without use of energy innovation teaching materials. 4. Overall analysis using independent sample t-tests revealed that test group pre-test significance levels (0.796, 0.301, 0.239, and 0.346) > 0.05, indicating no significant differences before using the innovative teaching materials. However, after their use, two-tailed significance values for each dimension (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, and 0.000) < 0.05, indicating learning effectiveness for energy knowledge and related concepts significantly increased after using energy innovation teaching materials. These research results can provide concrete suggestions for the future promotion of related teaching materials. Keywords: Global Warming, Energy Knowledge, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, Teaching Material Effectiveness.


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