  • 學位論文


Electricity Consumption Analyses and Evaluation for Convenience Stores

指導教授 : 沈永堂 郭柏巖


根據統計,截至2012年底止,台灣共有9,997家便利商店,平均每2,332人便擁有一家便利商店,密集度遠高於日本、南韓等國家位居世界之冠,但根據相關文獻回顧得知,目前國內關於便利商店的節能研究多以設備的節能技術為導向,且對於便利商店整體用電的評估僅止於「全年單位面積用電量(EUI)」的討論,缺少不同類型的便利商店用電構成研究。由於影響便利商店用電的因素很多,舉凡設備運轉效率、商店面積、來客數量、尖峰營運時間、建築外殼設計、氣候環境…等均會影響最終用電結果,因此迫切需要訂定一套可供便利商店進行整體用電評估的綜合性指標,建立「便利商店用電解析與評估」。 本研究為完成最終便利商店用電解析與評估,將從2011年10月至2012年9月期間藉由1,469家便利商店基礎調查與6家便利商店電力監測調查兩部份著手,分別取得詳盡的用電基本資料與設備用電數據,其目的是希望透過解析用電基本資料可深入瞭解包括座落區位、建築型態、建築構造、開窗數、賣場面積與來客數在內的外在環境因子與全年總用電量關係;而解析設備用電數據則可深入瞭解各項用電設備的使用特性與標準用電量,緊接著再將前述取得的用電基本資料與設備用電數據進行權重係數修正,推導出各項用電設備的用電計算式,藉此取得精準的全年總用電量計算,最後再以等距的單位面積用電量方式擬訂共七個等級的便利商店用電級距,進而完成便利商店用電解析與評估之研究。 本研究將便利商店依照建築型態分為「獨棟平房型」、「附屬建築型」、「騎樓沿街店鋪型」、「無騎樓沿街店鋪型」、「轉角雙邊騎樓型」、「轉角單邊騎樓型」與「轉角無騎樓型」等七種型態;依照建築構造則可分為「鋼骨造」、「加強磚造」與「鋼筋混凝土造」等三種構造;依照各項用電設備的用途與種類可歸類為「冷凍冷藏」、「空調冷氣」、「照明燈具」、「熱源」與「其他設備」等五大類別後,再根據用電基本資料與設備用電數據進行一連串統計與研究,藉以取得公正客觀的分析數據。 根據本研究統計分析得知,全年總用電量部份,便利商店全年逐月平均總用電量約為13,879 kWh,其中七月至九月為用電尖峰時段之酷暑期(月均用電量前三高),平均用電約佔全年總用電量約29%,離峰時段為二月至四月(月均用電量前三低),約佔全年總用電量21%,其尖峰時段用電量約為離峰時段的1.36倍;設備用電量部份,便利商店全年設備用電比例高低依序為冷凍冷藏(53.8%)、照明燈具(15.8%)、空調冷氣(12.8%)、熱源設備(12.4%)與其他設備(5.1%)。 用電解析與評估之用電計算式推導部份,則透過標準用電量、設備效率、節能技術、建築環境、設備數量與使用時間等影響因子乘數運算取得各項設備全年總用電量,根據本研究驗證,便利商店全年總用電量之預估能力誤差範圍約在-8%至7%之間。最終,便利商店用電評估之級距劃分,則從本研究取得1,469家樣本資料的450至5,784 kWh/(m2•yr)範圍內,依等距比例1,067 kWh/(m2•yr)劃分為七等級,作為本標準計算系統的參考級距範圍,再透過圖示化方式,標示出便利商店能源使用的優劣程度,完成便利商店用電解析與評估之研究。


According to statistics, until the end of 2012, there are totally 9,997 convenience stores in Taiwan, on average one for 2,332 people. The distribution density of convenience stores in Taiwan ranks the number one in the world, much higher than that in countries such as Japan and South Korea. Related literature indicates that the energy saving researches for convenience stores are mostly oriented towards energy saving technologies of equipment and the evaluation of overall energy consumption is only limited to discussions on the “energy use intensity (EUI)”, lack of researches on the structure of energy consumption of different types of convenience stores. Many factors may influence the energy consumption of convenience store, such as work efficiency of equipment, business area of the store, customer flow, peak business hours, building envelope design, climate and environment. Hence, the comprehensive indices must be developed for evaluating the overall power consumption of convenience stores and establishing the “standard calculation system of energy certificate for convenience stores”. In order to propose the standard calculation system of energy certificate for convenience stores, this study conducted a basic survey of 1,469 convenience stores and an electric power monitoring survey of 6 convenience stores, and obtained the basic power consumption data and the equipment power consumption data. This study gained an in-depth understanding concerning the relationship of the external environmental factors, such as location, architectural form, architectural construction, number of open windows, sales area and customer count and the total annual power consumption through analysis of the basic power consumption data. The analysis of the equipment power consumption data explored the use attributes and the standard power consumption of various electrical devices. The coefficient of weight of basic power consumption data and equipment power consumption data were modified to deduce the power consumption calculating formula for various kinds of equipment. The accurate total annual power consumption was thus obtained. Finally, the energy use intensity (EUI) at equal intervals were utilized to determine seven power consumption grades of convenience stores, and further complete the studies on the standard calculation system of energy certificate for convenience stores. The study divided the convenience stores into seven forms according to their architectural form, namely “one-storey houses”, “accessory structures”, “arcaded street stores”, “street stores without arcade”, “corner double-sided arcades”, “corner one-sided arcades” and “corner without arcade”. There were three kinds of structures by their constructions, including “steel construction”, “reinforced brick construction” and “reinforced steel construction”. There were five types according to the uses and kinds of electrical equipment, namely “refrigeration”, “air conditioning”, “lighting”, “heating” and “entertainment and communication”. Based on the basic power consumption data and the equipment power consumption, a series of statistics and studies are conducted for achieving the fair and objective analysis data. The statistical analysis found that in terms of total annual power consumption, the monthly average power consumption for convenience stores is 13,879 kWh. July to September is the peak period for power consumption (the highest three months with respect to the average power consumption), in which the average power consumption is about 29% of the year. The off-peak period is February to April (the lowest three months with respect to the average power consumption), accounting for 21% of the annual power consumption. The power consumption of the peak period is 1.36 times of that in the off-peak period. As for the equipment in convenience stores, the power consumption ranks in order of refrigeration (53.8%), lighting (15.8%), air conditioning (12.8%), heating (12.4%) and entertainment and communication (5.1%). For the deduction of the power consumption calculating formula of the standard calculation system of energy certificate, this study obtained the total annual power consumption through the multiplication of influencing factors, such as standard power consumption, equipment efficiency, energy saving technologies, building environment, number of equipment, and time of use. The results showed that the range of error for estimation of total annual power consumption of convenience stores is between -8% and 7%. Finally, for the division of intervals of energy certificate of convenience stores, the range of 450 to 5,784 kWh/(m2•yr) among 1,469 samples obtained in this study is divided into seven grades by equal interval 1,067 kWh/(m2•yr) as reference for the standard calculation system. The degree of good or bad of energy use of convenience stores are indicated on diagrams for completing the standard calculation system of energy certificate for convenience stores.




