  • 學位論文

Worthwhile and Reliable-the Innovative Business Model of Traceable Agriculture System for Taiwanese Small Farmers

Worthwhile and Reliable-the Innovative Business Model of Traceable Agriculture System for Taiwanese Small Farmers

指導教授 : 李宗政


近年來,農業朝向現代化發展,產量大幅提升。但濫用農藥、化肥、食品添加物等引起食品安全事件相繼發生,使消費者壟罩在健康風險的陰影下。除此之外,使用農藥劑量比例逐年上升,且農藥殘留、假有機等事件時有所聞,引發消費者對農產品的信任危機、進而打擊農產銷售。 簡言之,各界關注農產品之安全與日俱增。我國政府雖於2003年起陸續推動農產品產銷履歷系統平台,讓農產品栽種初期就進行追蹤與嚴格控管。將農產品之完整產銷資訊,以透明化公開方式呈現。但檢視目前農產品產銷履歷的執行成效,受制於認證費用不低與操作介面未呈友善性,故多侷限於大型產銷班以專人方式輔導操作,但多數小農擔憂成本問題與操作輸入障礙而裹足不前。 另外,就消費者角度而言,產銷履歷所公布的內容,卻是乏善可陳。因此,本研究彙整產銷履歷系統平台相關文獻及案例,從中檢視全台灣各式農家與各類農作物產銷資訊,藉此歸納其關鍵要素,並初步規劃「"Worthwhile and Reliable" 台灣小農產銷履歷平台」營運模式架構,從中探討小農、消費者、緊急應變中心(品質問題與意見處理等)、採購單位(個別消費者或機構採購)與實體通路之關係,提供更為友善完備之產銷履歷制度。


田間管理 產銷履歷 農藥


In recent years, the substantial progress in agricultural technology induces the agriculture production increasing. While there are more agricultural products that could be consumed, but even more consumers worried about the agriculture products safety problems were occurred by overused and misused the pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizer. In 2013, a total of 20,720 tonnes of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides applied in Taiwan farmland, thus, the agriculture chemical residues problem on marketable vegetables and fruit causes the consumers no longer believe in Taiwan agriculture. Since 2003, Taiwan's government began to promote Taiwan Good Agriculture Practice (TGAP) and the traceable TGAP system. For most of the Taiwan’s agriculture products, TGAP provides the complete specifications about the planting management system and the solid regulations of the agriculture chemicals; however, the traceability system for showing whether the farmers strict comply with TGAP or not, it is dysfunctional. To investigate the problem of dysfunctional traceable TGAP system, the overly complex input interface and high certification fees are damaging the farmer's willingness to use the traceable TGAP system. Furthermore, the incomplete traceable information about the agriculture product has reduced the consumers’ willingness to use the system. Thus, we have developed “Worthwhile and Reliable - Traceable Agriculture System” for Taiwanese small farmers in this study, which will provide the more friendly input interface for the farmers and more reliable information for the consumers by taking pictures with GPS positioning and timing functions under TGAP requirements and regulations.


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