  • 學位論文


Research on preservation and management principles for Cultural Landscape of Chung Hsing New Village

指導教授 : 楊敏芝


文化景觀是由人長期與自然或環境互動下,產生出的延續性文化現象,藉由不同的歷史發展脈絡、文化背景與自然環境等互相交錯影響下,形成獨特類型的文化景觀。臺灣對於保存維護的概念,於2005年修定《文化資產保存法》,正式增設「文化景觀」項目,由個體式建築的保存觀念,轉變為區域性、場域性尺度的保存概念。 本研究以中興新村文化景觀範圍為研究對象,透過都市發展歷程、行政辦公與住宅之群落關係、居民生活文化記憶與重要建築設施等,歸納其文化景觀價值及特殊性,並依據《文資法》第55條規定,得依文化景觀之特性及實質發展需要,訂定文化景觀「保存及管理原則」。並藉由國外相關文化資產保存及管理之個案研究,彙整適用於中興新村文化景觀的「保存及管理原則」架構及執行工作,目的以維持文化景觀原始風貌及保存區的監管保護。建構中興新村文化景觀保存模式、管理維護及執行管制工作規範,提供政府部門、相關執行計畫及後續相關研究之參考與建議。 本研究主要成果如下: 一、檢視中興新村文化景觀歷史脈絡紋理,探討構成因素及人和地緣之演變過程。 二、研析文化景觀環境基礎資源項目,並分析其文化景觀的價值涵構。 三、建構中興新村文化景觀保存評估指標架構,作為文化景觀保存潛力和重要性之指標依據。 四、擬訂中興新村文化景觀保存及管理原則架構,作為後續執行保存區保存維護作業之參考。


Cultural landscape is the cultural phenomenon created from the interactions between humanity and nature or environment. The various contexts of historic development, cultural background and natural environment imposed intertwining influences and created a unique type of cultural landscape. For the concepts of preservation and maintenance in Taiwan, the “cultural landscapes” was added in the amendment of the “Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (CHPA)” in 2005. It was the conceptual turning point from the preservation of individual buildings to the preservation in the scale of region and domain. 43 areas are registered for the preservation of cultural landscape in Taiwan as of today. Chung Hsing New Village was registered as a cultural landscape of historic event site in 2011. This paper is intended to investigate the operation model for effectiveness and the implementation of control tasks for the preservation and management of the cultural landscape of Chung Hsing New Village based on the concept of preservation as a group and as a whole, and to establish the model and contents for the “preservation and management” of Chung Hsing New Village as a cultural landscape. The scope of Chung Hsing New Village as a cultural landscape was selected as the study subject. Its value and uniqueness of the cultural landscape was investigated from the points of view of urban development history, the life, culture and memories of people living here and important buildings and facilities. Article 55 of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act specifies that the “principles for preservation and management” of cultural landscapes may be decided based on the characteristics of cultural landscape and practical needs of development. The contents and implementation of the “principles for preservation and management” which fit the cultural landscape of Chung Hsing New Village were developed by collecting and compiling the case studies around the world regarding the preservation and management of cultural assets. The purpose is to maintain the original presentation of cultural landscape and the monitoring and protection of the preservation area, and to manage, maintain and put work specifications in practice, and to provide reference and suggestions for government agencies, implementation efforts and subsequent studies. The results of this research are as the following: 1. Examine the historical context of the cultural landscape, Chung hsing New Village texture, Components and explore the evolution of the process and geopolitical. 2. The study analyzes the cultural landscape and environmental infrastructure project resources, and analyze the value of the cultural landscape culvert structure. 3. The construction of the cultural landscape preservation Chung hsing New Village evaluation index architecture as a cultural landscape preservation potential and importance of the indicators are based. 4. The elaboration of Chung hsing New Village cultural landscape preservation and management principles of architecture, save the job of maintaining the reference implementation of storage area as a follow-up.


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