  • 學位論文

準銀髮族與銀髮族森林遊樂之行為意向研究 -以溪頭自然教育園區為例

Quasi Seniors and Seniors Forest Recreation Behavioral Intentions - A Case Study of Xitou Nature Education Area

指導教授 : 黃有傑


高齡化社會的來臨,準銀髮族與銀髮族迅速增加,透過休閒活動的參與,提昇自我保健功能的趨勢逐漸受到重視。溪頭自然教育園區,海拔高800~2,000公尺,面積有2,200公頃,園區遍植芬多精含量豐富的臺灣杉及柳杉,自日據時代即頗具研究價值。準銀髮族與銀髮族於此進行森林遊樂活動,為準銀髮族與銀髮族帶來多方面的效益,亦促進了社會經濟效益。 本研究主要在於瞭解準銀髮族與銀髮族對森林遊樂行為的態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制對行為意向影響的程度,經由資料分析結果如下: 一、年齡、教育程度、退休與否及工作狀態,會影響準銀髮族與銀髮族對森林遊樂行為的態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及行為意向。 二、準銀髮族與銀髮族對森林遊樂行為的態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制對行為意向有正向的影響。 三、準銀髮族與銀髮族認為森林遊樂行為最能促進身體健康及讓心靈感到放鬆愉快。 四、家人、朋友對準銀髮族與銀髮族的森林遊樂行為最具影響力。 五、準銀髮族與銀髮族對森林遊樂行為的知覺行為控制對行為有正向的影響。 六、準銀髮族與銀髮族對森林遊樂行為的態度、主觀規範對行為意向有顯著差異。


With the populations of the quasi Seniors and Seniors increase rapidly, we can announce that the advent of an aging society. This issue has been gradually emphasized through their participating recreational activities and enhancing self-care function trends. Xitou Nature Education Area, surrounded by mountains with the sea level 800-2,000 m, covers an area of 2,200 hectares. In the Xitou Forest Recreational Area , many Taiwania cryptomerioides and Cryptomeria japonica abounding in phytoncid are planted. Since the Japanese Occupation, it has been chosen as the forest for practical training and research. Engaging in recreation activities in Xitou brings the quasi Seniors and Seniors themslves many multipe benefits and offers ecomic profits to our society. The purpose of this study is to understand the attitude of the quasi Seniors and Seniors toward recreation behavior, and the degree of influence from subjective norms and preceived behavioral control on behavioral intentions. Through analyzing information datas, this study found the following results: First of all, age, education, retired or not, and working conditions will affect the quasi Seniors and Seniors’ attitude toward forest recreatin behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavioral controal and their behavioral intention. Second, the quasi Seniors and Seniors’ attitude toward forest recreation behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control has a positive impact on behavioral intentions. Third, the quasi Seniors and Seniors agree most that forest recreation activities can promote individual health,and relax their body and mind. Fourth, family and friends influent the forest recreation behavior of the quasi Seniors and Seniors most. Fifth, the forest recreation behavior of the perceived behavior control to the quasi Senors and Seniors has an positive impact on behavior. Lastly, the quasi Seniors and Seniors’ attitude toward forest recreation behavior and subjective norms shows significant differences on behavioral intentions.




林彥汝(2015)。影響 中高齡男性參與學習意圖因素之研究─ 計畫行為理論之觀點〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614025175
