  • 學位論文

Gerard Wagner色彩習題與學習者自我概念發展之關係-以技職大學視覺傳達設計系色彩課程為例

The Study of Relationship Between Gerard Wagner’s Color Exercises and Learner’s Self-Concept -A Case Study of the Color Course in the Department of Visual Communication Design at an University of Technology

指導教授 : 李慧芳


摘要 本研究旨在探討Gerard Wagner色彩習題與學習者自我概念之關係。來自技職大學之視覺傳達設計系色彩專業課程的三個班級,進行為期一年「教與學」的觀察研究;期間共進行兩次田納西自我概念評量測驗,即課程初期的前測,及一學年課程終期的後測,共收集75個有效研究樣本。依本研究分類取其「高自我概念群」及「低自我概念群」。筆者觀察學習者外顯的質化資料,如色彩習題作品、學習者之自我回顧及訪談資料,去對應自我概念測驗結果。分類比較其中之變化,最後研究結果發現: 一、前測「高自我概念」者於後測時,有83.3%向下調整;「低自我概念」者於後測時,有66.7%向上調整。兩者皆趨向回歸適中的自我概念常模標準值;二、從參照作品觀察中發現,「高自我概念」者對色彩習題學習較快上手,繪圖的完成度高,線條筆觸較為明顯固化,細緻描畫主題;「低自我概念」者在水份控制能力進步較緩,落筆時線條畫出不確定感,畫面色彩較易呈現混濁;三、從學習者的作品畫面中隱現其自我的發展。學習Gerard Wagner 色彩習題的課程裡,我們可以清楚地看見,無論在用色順序、控制水份、筆跡層疊及平衡畫面,學習者都有相當的學習進展。四、比較田納西自我概念評量前後測數值的變化,與分析學習者學習色彩習題的作品歷程,兩者的結果普遍皆呈現正向發展。


Abstract This research is to investigate the relationship between Gerard Wagner’s color exercises and the learners’ Self-Concepts. This is a one-year observation research in the color class which took place in the Visual Communication Design Department at Technical and Vocational University, and two Tennessee Self-Concept evaluation tests were conducted during the research, including the pre-test at the beginning of the course and the post-test at the end of the course. 75 effective samples were collected. The research classified the samples into two groups, the High Self-Concept and Low Self-Concept. As the result of the test came out, the researcher studied the color exercises, self - reviewed and also interviewed learners, and compared to the test results of self-concept. The results are as followed: First, the High Self-Concept learners in pre-test have 83.3% down adjusted in post-test, Low Self-Concept learners in pre-test have 66.7% upwards adjusted in post-test. Both are in the appropriate standard norm value. Second, from the works of color exercises, the result shows that the “High Self-Concept learners” learned the color exercises quickly, and completed the exercises with high degree of plotting. Their strokes are with more certainty. The “Low Self-Concept learners” have difficulties in controlling the water quantity. Their strokes appear a sense of uncertainty, and the colors in the picture are often turbid. Third, The learner’s self-development seems to be revealed in their paintings. Students’ works displayed clearly that learning progress are improved in color sequences and better controlling the water quantity and stroke layers and balance during the course of learning, Gerard Wagner’s color motifs. Fourth, comparing Tennessee Self-Concept measurement values changes and the analysis of the color exercises of learners in the course, both two results seem to show mostly positive development.


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