  • 學位論文

大甲地區觀光吸引力、遊客滿意度、知覺價值與行為意向 關係之研究

The Study of Relationships Among Tourism Attraction, Visitor Satisfaction, Perceived Values, and Behavioral Intension – A Case Study Based on Dajia.

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


大甲鎮瀾商圈的形成,源自於慕名大甲鎮瀾宮而前往的人潮。大甲鎮瀾商圈與鎮瀾宮相互依存,使大甲鎮瀾地方觀光提升。為此,本研究旨在探討大甲地區「觀光吸引力」、「遊客滿意度」與「知覺價值」對「行為意向」的影響。 本研究以大甲鎮瀾宮之遊客為調查範圍與對象,共發出400份,回收之有效問卷為397份,有效回收率達99%。研究結果顯示,受訪者男女比例相近、年齡以21-25歲間的比例最高、教育程度以大學為主、未婚比例較高、月收入以20001-30000元為主、居住地以中部居多。遊客對於大甲鎮瀾宮的行為意向為中上程度,觀光吸引力、遊客滿意度與知覺價值的看法呈現中等程度。迴歸分析顯示,觀光吸引力、遊客滿意度與知覺價值對行為意向有顯著正向影響。其中以知覺價值的影響程度最高。由多變量變異數分析結果顯示,受訪遊客之基本特性在觀光吸引力、遊客滿意度、知覺價值與行為意向中皆有部分顯著差異。


Dajia Jenn Lann Business District was formed by the crowd who were attracted by Dajia Jenn Lann Temple. It is that the business district and the temple are interdependent promoted the tourism of Dajia Jenn Lann. Hence, this study tries to investigate the impact of tourism attraction, visitor satisfaction, and perceived values on behavioral. This research took the visitors’ of Dajia Jenn Lann Temple as the objects, and 397 questionnaires out of 400 were collected, the effective response rate is 99%. The results showed that the gender rate is almost close, with age of 21-25, university level of education, unmarried dominated, monthly income of NT $ 20,001-30,000, and middle district. The behavioral intension was about the upper levels, and tourism attraction, visitor satisfaction, and perceived values were moderate. Regression analysis showed that tourism attraction, visitor satisfaction, and perceived values have a significant positive impact on behavioral intension, with the perceived value a higher degree of impact. MANOVA showed that tourism attraction, visitor satisfaction, perceived values, and behavioral intension had a significant difference with the subjects’ personal information.


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