  • 學位論文


The Activity Identification of Human Daily Living Based on Fuzzy Decision Tree

指導教授 : 陳榮靜




The basic concept of smart environment is to understand the context information of environmental and human behavioral changes to provide appropriate services accordingly. To obtain the context information, people often use video cameras, microphones, and other devices. These devices can obtain complex environmental data but they also need powerful equipment for handling the data. In addition, monitoring equipment will generate privacy issues. Users will generate sense of exclusion. In these devices, users generally do not like the graphic and audio monitoring equipment. We mainly collect user’s activity information through the most simple data quality of sensor. The activity of human is difficult to make computers understand by natural language. On the other hand, activity vulnerable to external factors produce different variations. In order to effectively address these issues, we propose an activity identification architecture based on fuzzy logic. This method uses fuzzy logic to deal with sensor data and uses fuzzy decision trees to identify user’s activities. According to the results of preliminary experiments, the system can identify 85.49% of the daily human activities.


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