  • 學位論文


The Benefits Evaluation Framework for Applying Urban Agriculture on Urban Renewal in Central District of Taichung

指導教授 : 許國威


目前世界各國以推動都市更新方式解決都市因過度都市化發展導致環境條件惡化。在臺灣,因都市更新法規限制,以都市更新處理都市活化、綠化及都市永續發展之議題大多以“都市綠化”方式進行。然而,緩解環境及都市問題。在農業進入都市發展,轉換了空間發展、都市再生的模式及都市產業。都市農業被視為都市更新之潛力策略,不僅是視覺綠美化的新替代方案,而是促進社會文化、產業經濟與環境空間之綜合效益。在追求都市的永續發展之願景下,都市農業對都市更新而言是可行的手法。 臺中市舊市中心區於都市更新因受到土地使用、都市空間、在地經濟等議題所限制,而都市農業的多元性質及彈性化機能的特性與上述議題相互吻合。本研究以都市更新的觀點,針對都市更新的「環境、經濟、社會」的三個面向之目的,主要目的探討:(一)透過相關國內外文獻彙整分析都市農業應用於舊市區都市更新的相關發展及新趨勢;(二)建構推動都市農業應用於都市更新中效益架構;(三)探討都市農業推動策略對於臺中市舊市中心區都市更新的效益因子之互動關係。 本研究分析結果顯示,都市農業應用於臺中市舊市中心區都市更新之效益評估架構權重,以「社會文化效益」最為重要,其權重值為0.4565。而都市農業應用於臺中市舊市中心區都市更新之效益評估因子相依關係分析則以產業經濟效益面之「在地生產」與「民眾參與」、「節能減碳」、「經濟創新」、「空間活化」及「環境教育」皆有相互影響元素,並與「經濟創新」及「民眾參與」產生相互重要影響關係,三者構成相互影響循環關係。


Many urban cities in the world are trying to promote urban renewal to resolve the environmental challenges, urbanization and urban development issues. In Taiwan, urban greening handling the sustainable issues in urban renewal approach, because of the urban renewal legislation restricted. Agricultural integrate with urban development, converted the spatial development, the mode of urban regeneration and industry for the city. Urban agriculture as potential strategies of urban renewal, as the alternative of the visual landscape greening but promoted social culture, social networks, living industry, environmental protection, landscape regeneration benefits. The development of urban renewal in Central District of Taichung restricted by land use, urban space and local economic issues,but the urban agriculture matching with characteristics of multi-properties and flexible functional. This study using urban agriculture method on urban renewal, aims to explore: (1)analyze the relative research literature and new trends related to the development of urban agriculture applied to urban renewal (2)utilized relative research for key variables of benefits of urban agriculture on urban renewal; (3)the relationship between the benefit factor by promoting urban agriculture policy for the Central District of Taichung. This study utilizes Analytic Network Process (ANP)method to obtain the critical factors of benefits of urban agriculture using in urban renewal by interviewing the foregoing experts. The results analysis showed that, the “Benefit of Social Culture ” with the weight value 0.4565, become the most important dimensions of the benefit evaluation. Between the factors benefit of "local production" with "public participation", "carbon reduction", "innovation of economic", "space activation" and "environmental education" show interaction element, especially "local production", "innovation of economic" and "public participation" constituted to circular interaction relationship.


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