  • 學位論文


Investigating the Interaction Effects between E-WOM and Fitness of Brand Extension on Product Acceptance and Purchase Intention in F&B Industry

指導教授 : 林晏瑜


餐飲業的發展日趨蓬勃,許多企業試圖跨足餐飲市場,在競爭激烈情況下,部分企業選擇採用品牌延伸策略,以原有品牌跨足至餐飲產業,藉以降低品牌導入成本和經營風險,並提升品牌成功機率和市場佔有率。過去研究多建議企業採用品牌延伸至其他產業應以具高契合度為前提,避免消費者因總體認知困擾而導致消費態度下降,然而此論點卻也限制了企業原有品牌的多角化市場發展,因此本研究欲探討不同的品牌延伸契合度之下,能否藉由網路口碑來有效提升消費者對產品的接受度與購買意願。 本研究採用多因子實驗設計,並配合劇本法,以電腦品牌跨足至咖啡廳產業為實驗情境,以探討「品牌延伸契合度」與「網路口碑訊息型態」對消費者的產品接受度與購買意願之影響,藉以驗證不同操弄變數之間對消費者態度之主效果和交互作用。 本研究以立意抽樣邀請480位民眾參與研究,在控制性別與年齡兩個變數下,經多因子共變數分析進行分析。研究結果得到幾項發現,分述如下: 首先,品牌延伸契合度會使消費者的消費態度產生差異,當品牌延伸契合度較差時,消費者的產品接受度和購買意願會顯著較低。 其次,透過網路口碑可以顯著改善消費者態度,當消費者瀏覽過網路口碑的訊息資料後,能對產品接受度和購買意願產生提昇效果。 第三,網路口碑效益訊息對於消費者產品接受度和購買意願的提昇效果會顯著優於網路口碑屬性訊息。 第四,網路口碑訊息型態與品牌延伸契合度對於消費者產品接受度和購買意願並不存在顯著交互作用。不論品牌延伸契合度的高或低,都是以效益訊息的影響效果優於屬性訊息。 第五,性別因素會與網路口碑訊息型態和品牌延伸契合度產生顯著交互作用。當在品牌延伸契合度較低時,男性消費者受屬性訊息影響而提升購買意願之效果較佳,女性消費者則是較受效益訊息之影響;然品牌延伸契合度較高時,兩種網路口碑訊息型態之影響效果則無性別差異。但在消費者的產品接受度方面,性別因素並未與網路口碑訊息型態和品牌延伸契合度產生顯著交互作用。此外,年齡因素與網路口碑訊息型態和品牌延伸契合度之間均無任何顯著交互作用產生。 網路行銷已經是餐飲產業的型塑品牌和招攬消費族群的主要經營手法,能否透過網路資訊來有效吸引並影響消費者態度,是關鍵成功因素之一,而本研究所產生的結果與發現,將可作為企業採用品牌延伸跨足咖啡餐飲市場時之行銷策略的參考基礎。


With the development of the F&B industry, many companies try to enter and share this market. Under the intense competition, some companies adopted brand extension strategy to set up their franchise chain, that extend the original brand to the new business, in order to reduce the costs and risks of entry and increase the chances of success. Past studies suggests that the brand extension should have a high degree of fitness between the original brand and new products to avoid consumers’ poor consumption attitudes due to gestalt metacognitive difficulty. However, this argument limited the diversified market development of enterprises. However, this argument limited the diversified market development of enterprises. Therefore, this study intended to explore whether consumers’ product acceptance and purchase intentions could alter by E-WOM under different level of brand extension fitness. To verify the influences and interactions of "brand extension fitness" and "E-WOM type" on consumers' product acceptance and purchase intention were verified, this study adopted a multi-factorial design experiment with scenarios that simulate a computer company using a brand extension strategy to enter the coffee shop industry. In this study, 480 participates were invited by purposive sampling. Data were collected through pre- and post-test, and multi-factor covariate analysis was used with gender and age two control variables. Some results were found after analysis: First, brand extension fitness makes differences in consumer attitudes. When the brand extension fitness is poor, consumers’ product acceptance and purchase intention will be significantly lower. Second, consumers’ attitudes can be significantly improved through E-WOM. After consumers have browsed the information of E-WOM, their product acceptance and purchase intention can be improved. Third, benefit-based E-WOM has a significantly better increasing effect on consumer product acceptance and purchase intention than the attribute-based E-WOM. Fourth, there is no significant interaction between the type of E-WOM and brand extension fitness on consumer product acceptance and purchase intention. It means that regardless of the high or low degree of brand extension fitness, the effect of the benefit-based E-WOM is superior to that of the attribute-based E-WOM. Final, gender interacts significantly with the type of E-WOM and brand extension fitness. When the brand extension fitness is low, the attribute-based E-WOM has a better increasing effect on the purchase intention of male consumers, but the benefit-based E-WOM has a better effect on the purchase intention of female consumers. However, there is no gender difference in the effects of the two types of E-WOM when the brand extension fitness is high. In terms of consumer product acceptance, gender have no significant interaction with the type of E-WOM and brand extension fitness. Moreover, there is no significant interaction between age and the type of E-WOM and brand extension fitness. Internet marketing has become the main method for business to shape brand image and attract consumer in the F&B industry. How to attract and influence consumer attitudes effectively through E-WOM is one of the key factors for success. The findings of this research could serve as a reference basis for companies to adopt brand extension strategy and E-WOM to development their business in the coffee shop or F&B market.


吳克振(譯)(2001)。品牌管理(原作者:K. L. Keller)。臺北市:華泰文化。
