  • 學位論文


To Identify The Position And Role Of Youtuber By Network Analysis

指導教授 : 凃鈺城


隨著網絡的發達與3C產品普及化,促進了社群網站的發展,可以發現網紅的人數正在逐年攀升,其競爭相對激烈。本研究以台灣聲量百大youtuber為例,Youtuber除了以個人獨特性創作自己的UGC,也能與他人互相串連、合作影片,透過人際交流、互動更能接觸到其他使用者,增加曝光率。因此youtuber應了解自身在網絡中的位置。 本研究將利用社會網絡分析的方法來了解youtuber們相互合作所形成的網絡關係,建構出合作積極性(PC)及成員多寡性(NCM)二指標,將結構相似性的頻道分門別類在四個象限內,並將四象限命名為社交活躍者、投機者、單打獨鬥者、團體固定者並賦予角色意義,並由迴歸分析來了解PC與NCM對觀看次數、按讚數、倒讚數以及留言數的影響。經由本研究結果明白自身在自媒體產業中的地位。


The growth of the Internet and the popularization of 3C products promoted the development of community websites. It can be found that the Internet celebrity counts are increasing year by year, and their competition with each other are relatively fierce. This study takes the top 100 YouTubers in Taiwan as sample. They not only create their own user generated content (UGC) with their own uniqueness but also connect with others and show in each other’s videos. Through interpersonal communication and interaction, it can reach other users and increase exposure. Therefore, youtubers should understand their own position in the network. This research will use the method of social network analysis to understand the network relationship formed by youtubers' mutual cooperation, construct two indicators of cooperation enthusiasm (PC) and membership (NCM), and classify channels with structural similarity into four quadrants , And named the four quadrants as social activists, speculators, solo players, group fixers and assigned role meanings. Regression analysis is used to understand the number of views, number of likes, number of reverse likes and comments made by PC and NCM Impact. Through the results of this research, I understand my position in the self-media industry.


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