  • 學位論文


The Study of Sewerage Installation Procedure for New Buildings in Taichung , Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


本研究對於起步階段的台中市建築物污水下水道系統,做整體性探討。本研究將新建建築物審查歸為「專用污水下水道」、「納管用戶」及「預設用戶」三大類,制定其審查之標準申請程序、表格等文書資料,並與相關行政單位召開多次公開研討會,以橫向溝通預演作業執行問題,再將審查作業訂定標準規範。 本研究亦發現施工工法之改進,將台灣省常用之台北模式(A模式)污水接管,改採日本引進之多功能匯流接管模式(B模式),可直接匯流糞管及雜排水管,管線配置整齊,可取代A模式重要之缺點;本審查制度之建立後,台中市新建建築物皆有可供未來公共汙水接管之預埋管,才可核發使用執照,節省室內建築物開挖與修繕經費並加速接管率,提升國民生活品質,增加國家競爭力。 關鍵字:污水下水道;都市環工;汙水管線


The research was conducted to provide an overall study of the first phase for the sewerage facility installation procedure for the buildings in Taichung City, connecting to the sewer system which has been planned for more than 3 decades and currently under construction. The installation procedure for new buildings included on the study was divided into 3 categories: (1) sewerage facility, (2) existing sewer user, and (3) future sewer user. In the study, a draft series of documents (paper works and forms) related to standard preparation/application and review/verification procedure was first developed as a basic data of fundamental sewer system information for the following public hearing, on-site visit/communication with the local residents to officially finalize the standard version of the sewerage facility installation procedure for the new buildings in the Taichung metropolitan area. The results of the study revealed that, due to the improvement and advancement in the sewerage construction techniques, the multiple function pipe connection module B, which is the most commonly used type in many metropolitan areas in Japan, is introduced into the sewerage system in Taichung, to provide an alternative to the Taipei module A which has been used in Taipei for more than 40 years. The module B significantly improves the shortcomings of the module A construction such as for the layout of combined piping systems which directly connected to the sewer piping from different sources of the waste water within the new buildings. After the completion of the official standard sewerage facility installation procedure, the results of the study may provide useful information for the better design and construction of the public sewerage systems and indoor excavation and installation within the new buildings to significantly reduce the cost and increase the connecting/use rate of the sewerage system in the Taichung metropolitan area. Keywords: sewer system, urban environment, sewerage installation


13. 預鑄式建築物污水處理設施管理辦法,行政院環境保護署,民國96年12月。
1. 下水道法,內政部營建署,民國96年1月。
2. 下水道用戶排水設備標準,內政部營建署,民國97年4月。
3. 內政部營建署,「台灣地區污水下水道用戶接管模式之研究」,2003。
