  • 學位論文


The evaluation of four ways for recovering from eye fatigue

指導教授 : 吳欣潔


本研究目的在比較市面上較為大家廣泛接受的眼睛疲勞恢復方法,進而找出消除眼睛疲勞效果最好的方法,提供使用者選擇。本研究主要是使用小歇、點眼藥水或使用眼部按摩器A (震動式)及眼部按摩器B (氣壓式)四種不同的視覺疲勞恢復方法進行實測與評估。並且嘗試找出對於改善視覺疲勞的最佳方法。實驗共招募20 位年輕的自願者進行實驗,年齡介於19到25 歲,其中10 名受試者為男性,10 名為女性。每位受試者分4 天進行4 次實驗,實驗順序均為隨機方式進行實驗。每次實驗約為60 分鐘,實驗前先量測閃光融合閾值、睫狀體微動調節分析儀與視覺主觀評量,受試者需在40 分鐘內,盡可能的找出搜尋目標「T」,並於40 分鐘後在使用上述三種衡量眼睛疲勞的方法量測後,使用疲勞恢復方法進行恢復,最後再使用三種衡量眼睛疲勞的方法量,進行分析與評估,提供未來眼睛疲勞恢復之建議。 實驗結果顯示搜尋作業後都有顯著的視覺疲勞現象,視覺疲勞恢復方法對HFC(高頻成分)有顯著的影響,再從事後檢定發現按摩器A 對眼藥水有顯著的差異(P = 0.000),按摩器B 對小歇有顯著的差異(P = 0.018),按摩器B 對眼藥水有顯著的差異(P = 0.029)。雖然這四種方法的恢復效果有些差異,但是都很明顯地減輕了視覺疲勞。


This research purpose was to compare the market more widely accepted eyestrain recovery, to further find out best to eliminate eye fatigue effect for the user chooses. This study is to use a short rest, eye drops or eye massager A(Vibratory) and eye massager B(Pneumatic) four way measurement and evaluation of the visual fatigue recovery strategy. And try to find the best way to improve the visual fatigue. Experimental total recruitment 20 young college students or graduate students of volunteer to experiment whose ages are between nineteen to twenty-five years old, 10 males and 10 females. Each participant had four different experimental trials in four different days. The sequence of the experiment was in random way and it took about 60 minutes to carry on each experiment. Before the test measure visual flicker, accommodative microfluctuations power and subjective rating of visual fatigue. The participants required look for the letter “ T ” within 40 minutes. After 40 minutes use of the three measure of eye fatigue measurement and tests used fatigue recovery strategies for recovery. Finally, use three measure of eyestrain amount to measurement and assessment, provides recommendations for future eye fatigue recovery. Experimental results show that the search operation has a significant visual fatigue, the visual fatigue recovery of HFC (high frequency components) have a significant impact. Post hoc test the massagers A significant difference (P = 0.000) on the eye drops, the massagers B significant difference (P = 0.029) on the eye drops. Although some differences in the recovery of these four methods, but very significantly reduce the visual fatigue.


吳水丕、簡德宏、楊建炘,「VDT作業對視覺績效及視覺疲勞之效應」,Journal of Ergonomic Study,Vol.4,No.1,pp21-32,(2002)


