  • 學位論文


The Study on Learning Adaptation of Preschool-Primary Transition -Taking Sing-Fu Elementary School in Nantou County as An Example

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究以南投縣幸福國小一年級學童為研究對象,主要瞭解學童在小一階段幼小銜接學習適應現況與問題、教師對學童學習適應問題的因應策略和觀點,以及幼小銜接學習適應的相關因素。利用觀察、訪談、蒐集相關文件等方式,歸納出以下研究結果。 一、幼小銜接學習適應現況與問題 (一)課程內容:學習適應問題多來自國語和數學領域;國字學習是另一個適應階段;學習表現女優於男、私幼學童優於附幼學童、成績進步附幼學童多於私幼學童;課業書寫量多與寫回家作業不適應;握筆寫字姿勢不正確糾正困難。 (二)學習環境:對上課順序和換科任教室適應慢;長時間坐著上課不適應。 (三)學習方法:對題目閱讀、理解能力不足影響作答;考試技巧需長時間指導;有沒看題目就作答、寫完答案未檢查等問題。 (四)學習態度:附幼學童學習態度較佳;作業書寫和繳交態度女優於男;私幼學童學習比較不專心。 二、教師對學童學習適應問題的因應策略與觀點 (一)因應策略:調慢上課步調延長注音符號教學週數,輔導學習落後學童 ;指導已經學會的學童運用時間複習功課或閱讀;初期以動靜交錯的教學活動,再漸進式導引學童適應小學的教學模式。 (二)觀點:幼兒園花太多時間教注音符號對學童幫助不大,學了錯誤的方式,造成學童學習上的困擾,也是教師教學上的困擾;附幼學童較無學習態度適應問題,課程內容學習比較需要協助,私幼學童正好相反,與學前經驗有關;幼兒園不要教寫字,若要教應注意正確握筆書寫姿勢的養成,以免到小學很難糾正,影響甚遠;學童學習適應的問題家長也應負責。 三、幼小銜接學習適應的相關因素 性別、學前教育經驗、課程內容與教學方式、教師的因應策略與輔導、家庭方面。 研究者並根據研究結論,對教育人員、教育單位及學童家長提出具體建議。


This study focused on first grade students in Hing-Fu Elementary School. The aim of the study is to investigate the current situation and issues in learning adjustment for first grade students who have just undergone the Preschool-Primary Transition, the strategies and views of the teachers for tackling these issues, and the factors that affect learning adjustment in the Preschool-Primary Transition. By observation, interviewing and collecting relevant documents, this study has summarized the following research findings. 1. Current Situation and Issues of the Learning Adjustment in the Preschool-Primary Transition (1) Course Content: learning adjustment issues often occur in the areas of Chinese and mathematics. Learning Chinese characters is another phase of adjustment. Learning performance tends to favor girls over boys, and students who went to private Preschool over those who went to public Preschool, although students who went to public Preschool tend to improve much more in score than those who went to private Preschool. Students find it hard to adjust to the increased amount of school work and homework. There is also difficulty in correcting the right pen-holding posture. (2) Learning Environment: slow adjustment to the order of classes and changing classrooms. Not adjusted to sitting in class for long periods of time. (3) Learning Method: lack of ability to read and understand the question affect the ability to answer. It takes a long time to teach students test-taking techniques. Some students answer without reading the question, and some do not check the answer after completing the exam. (4) Learning Attitude: students from public Preschool have better attitudes toward learning. Girls display a better attitude toward completing and submitting work than boys. Students from private Preschool tend to have a harder to time concentrating on learning. 2. Strategies and Views of the Teachers on Learning Adjustment Issues. (1) Strategies: slow down the pace during Zhuyin (phonetic reading) sessions to give some students time to catch up; meanwhile, teach the students who have mastered Zhuyin to use the time to revise work or do some reading. Use a mixture of active and quiet activities at first, and then gradually introduce the students to the mode of teaching used in elementary school. (2) Views: too much time spent on Zhuyin in Preschool does not help students. If the students had previously been taught using incorrect methods, it would increase the burden to both the students and the teachers. Students from public Preschool tend not to have issues in learning adjustment, although they need more assistance in learning the course content. Students from private Preschool tend to be the opposite. This is related to the pre-school experience. It is recommended that Preschool not teach writing characters, but if they do insist, they should pay attention to how the children hold their pen to ensure correct posture. Incorrect posture will be difficult to be corrected later in elementary school and has a great impact on the students. Parents should also take part in the learning adjustment issues. 3. Factors of Learning Adjustment in the Preschool-Primary Transition Gender, preschool experiences, course content and teaching methods, strategies and teacher guidance, and family. The researchers provide education staff, education organizations and parents recommendations based on the findings of this study. Key word:Public Preschool,Private Preschool,Preschool-Primary Transition,Learning Adaptation


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