  • 學位論文


Shopping Mall Development in Taiwan: Current Situation, Challenges and Prospects

指導教授 : 張純莉


近年來,購物中心已經逐漸成為臺灣的熱門話題之一。新的購物中心管理規劃帶來一個全新的商機挑戰和機會,改變了經營者的經營理念模式及大眾的消費行為習慣。 以西方國家,如美國、英國、瑞典為例,東方國家對購物中心的認知相對非常的淺薄,尚停留在西方國家早年的規劃。而臺灣也是近十年內來,才開始陸陸續續在全島不同的角落設立商場廣場,有:臺北101、美麗華百樂園、BELLAVITA、京華城、老虎城新時代購物中心等。不論商場的規劃、投資模式以及專業經營的發展都相對落後西方國家;因此,如何正確的開發、籌劃及管理購物中心便成為一個值得探討的主題。本研究透過不同的文獻、訪談及個案參考資料來做東、西方國家的比較及分析,以更精確的提出更多有關於改善這類型大型賣場的運籌帷幄的看法及意見。 透過本研究分析,可以綜合來自不同的區域及文化給予購物中心業者以下的建議: 1. 商場業主需要去了解當地的法規及市場的供需,而擬定出一個永續生存的經營計 劃,讓商場為整個社會帶來最大的效益。 2. 政府機關需要從頭到尾參與規劃過程,訂定並倡導一系列完善的規範跟遵循的法則,並搭配最完善的城市週圍公共設施規劃。 3. 店面承租戶需要以專業的角度去思考潮流趨勢來提昇自已的業績,尋求業主及客戶之間的最佳利益,達到市場供需的帄衡點。


管理 開發 購物中心 規劃


In recent years, shopping centers have become one of Taiwan's heated topics. New management and planning are modeled to bring new business challenges and opportunities, changing the philosophy of the business owners and consumption habits of the community. The perception of shopping malls in Eastern countries compared to Western countries, such as the USA, UK or Sweden is still relatively new and remains in the early stages of the design and development. Despite the fact that Taiwan began this unique retail business over the past few decades, such as Taipei 101, Miramar Entertainment Park, BELLAVITA, Living Mall, Tiger City Mall, etc., the planning habits, the investment patterns or the management practices of the shopping malls are relatively primitive against those in the Western countries. Therefore, the correct way to develop, plan and manage these kinds of centers have become worthwhile to explore and evaluate. With the assistance and comparison of various documents analysis, interviews and case studies, more precise ideologies and theories can be put forward into making improvements and strategizing the operation of the malls. This thesis shows the integration of different regions and cultures of malls and offers plenty of advice for the many participants in the industry: 1. The mall owners or operators need to understand the local regulations and market supply and demand in order to develop a sustainable business model. 2. The government agencies must participate from the early stages of the planning, advocate with a series of comprehensive norms and rules to be followed, and make possible for the ease of usage of the public facilities. 3. Leasing partners will focus on their professional fashion practices to seek their best interests of the owners or operators and the public consumers to meet with the market supply and demand.


management development shopping malls plannig


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