  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwanese Aboriginal Cultural Elements on Advertising Effectiveness

指導教授 : 黃文星


近年來,文化元素此一題材相當受到廣告業者的青睞,並廣泛地被使用在廣告當中,然而有關嵌有文化元素的廣告效果至今尚未有較完整的研究。本研究選擇台灣在地的原住民文化元素,將原民元素與廣告進行結合,並採實驗方式,設計2(啤酒及好樂迪KTV)*2(有無穿著原民服飾)的平面廣告,詢問受訪者對平面廣告的看法,以及購買廣告當中商品的意願。 本研究以阿美族、非阿美族之原住民及一般民眾當作受訪者,藉以瞭解各種族民眾對平面廣告的看法。為提高問卷題目的信度及效度,問卷除參考及改編先前相關研究領域之問項外,還透過前測方式確認本研究問卷之適當性。實證結果顯示,不同教育程度受訪者對於廣告的看法及購買意願出現明顯差異;在購買意願方面,原住民文化元素的確發揮相當程度的效果,然而在廣告溝通效果方面,僅部分通過檢定。在受訪者的種族方面,廣告溝通效果及購買意願皆因受訪者的種族不同而出現明顯差異。最後,廣告溝通效果的三構面皆正向且顯著影響受訪者對於兩項商品的購買意願。


In recent years, cultural elements have been highly esteemed in advertising industry, and have been widely applied in advertisements. However, the advertising effectiveness of advertisements embedded with cultural elements has not been researched extensively. In order to explore the effects of aboriginal cultural elements, an experiment by embedding the aboriginal element in the advertisement with the design of Taiwan beer and Holiday KTV combined with and without aboriginal clothes is adopted, trying to find out the responders' viewpoints toward the print advertisements and their willingness to purchase the target merchandise. With the intention to study the publics' perspectives of different races on the print advertisements, the study chooses aboriginals of Amis, non-Amis, and general public as the respondents. For ensuring the reliability and the validity of the questionnaire, the questions in the questionnaire are designed with the reference to and modifications of the previous surveys in the related studies, and a pretest is carried for confirming the appropriateness of the questionnaire. The result shows a significant difference between the perspectives on the print advertisements and the purchasing willingness from the respondents of different education levels. In purchasing willingness, the element of aboriginal culture displays a considerable degree of effect; however, in advertising communication effect, only two dimensions pass the test. With respect to the respondents' races, the communication effects of the advertising and purchasing willingness show significant differences among different races. Finally, the three dimensions of the communication effect of the advertisement all reveal significant influences on the purchasing willingness of the two products.


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