  • 學位論文


A Research on the Satisfaction of Broadband Services in Remote Areas and the Viable Approach for Broadband Speed Increasing

指導教授 : 李麗華


由於資訊時代的來臨為減少數位落差(Digital Divide)之問題,全世界各先進國家以將寬頻接取普及視為重要之政策。而我國目前偏遠地民眾所使用之頻寬接取仍以2Mbps~10Mbps為主,其上網的速度與寬頻用戶申請人數相較於城巿地區更為偏低。為避免電信業者因成本考量,如天災、寬頻使用需求等因素而降低於偏遠地區投資建設寬頻基礎網路的意願,導致偏遠地區居民無法使用高品質之高速寬頻網路,進而增加數位落差的情形。 因此本研究目標為,調查先進國家對推動寬頻普及服務上之政策與作為及我國寬頻接取普及的推動政策。訪談寬頻網路服務之相關業者,了解業者在協助我國政府對偏遠地區進行寬頻普及及升速的看法與意見。針對我國寬頻尚未普及或升速之偏遠地區偏鄉進行問卷調查,了解偏遠地區寬頻用戶對寬頻網路的滿意程度,並依據調查數據的分析結果提出提升我國偏遠地區頻網路用戶滿意度之建議、提升偏遠地區寛頻網路用戶數量,幫助偏遠地區減少數位落差問題與了解寬頻網路電信業者與有線電視業者對我國寬頻接取普及之意見。從本文研究分析結果發現如下: (1) 增加網路申辦誘因:對於偏遠地區民眾申辦寬頻網路之誘因,政府單位或電信業者可考慮推出偏遠地區優惠方案,對偏遠地區民眾申辦費用進行差額補助或採用搭售之概念讓民眾增加申辦之意願。 (2) 調整網路費用:本研究發現受訪民眾寬頻服務費用希望是介於301元~500元之間,但大部份民眾支付之月費介於500元~1000元之間,雖然價格為民眾尚可接受之範圍,但是電信業者仍可衡量適當降低費用。 (3) 改善網路現況:本研究問卷中發現「社區現有的網路是否可滿足居民的使用需求」問項中可發現有88個村里不滿意現有的網路狀況,其中以「網路速度不足」意見佔最多(74個村里);「連線時常中斷或無法連線」佔第二多(49個村里)。代表目前偏遠地區寬頻速度仍不足民眾滿意;亦代表電信業者仍可於偏遠地區推廣高速寬頻讓民眾申請。本研究建議電信業者可以先設法改善網路穩定性再加以提供寬頻升速方案。 (4) 加強地區關懷性:本研究以PZB滿意度理論模型分析發現,在關懷性這個部份較為偏低,代表電信業者對於申辦網路用戶之後續關心網路使用狀況與網路維修部份仍有待加強。 (5) 培訓偏鄉之資通訊服務人員:根據本研究問卷人口資料分析得知,目前偏遠地區村里大部份為老齡化村里,熟悉電腦人員較為偏少。因此可透過政府教育推廣單位培訓偏鄉地區之青年即時協助處理電腦及上網問題。 根據上述分析發現,目前偏遠地區多數寬頻用戶對目前頻寬仍感到不足,因此本研究建議電信業者應提出對偏遠地區民眾相關之寛頻升速方案與優惠,主動關心民眾網路使用情況,將有助於偏遠地區民眾提升對電信業者之印象與企業形象。


Since the advent of information age, the developed countries usually take universal broadband access as their important policy in order to reduce the digital divide. It is, therefore, the goal of this study is to examine the satisfaction of broadband access in remote villages so that the policy and the broadband access popularization can be promoted. This research has conducted the literature reviews about this issue and 9 developed countries are studied. This research had interviewed with managers of telecommunication companies so that the broadband service from the merchant point of view is understood. In order to realize the broadband service in the remote area, a questionnaire is designed to measure and analyze the satisfaction of broadband access. From the results of this study, we suggest the following polices: (1) Increase the incentive of applying the service of broadband access: the government or telecommunication companies should provide the promotion project for those villagers of remote areas. This can be done with subsidizing or bundling the services so that the villagers of remote area are willing to apply the broadband access. (2) Adjust the service fee of broadband access: based on the results of this research, although $500~$1,000 NT dollars is the monthly broadband access service fare that is commonly accepted, it is suggest that the acceptable fare of broadband service for remote areas is between $301~$500 NT dollars. (3) Improve the networking quality: based on the questionnaire of this research, it is shown that there are major opinions about the insufficient speed of network (74 villages) and the unstable connection of network (49 villages). This means that the telecommunication companies should provide more programs. Therefore, it is suggested that the stability of network shall be improved first and the promotion of network speed shall be increased afterwards. (4) Improve the “empathy” construct: Based on the results of PZB service quality model, the analysis of the customer satisfaction shows that the construct of “empathy” is rated as the lowest. This means that the telecommunication companies should pay more attention to the report of usage problem and the maintenance problem for the remote areas. (5) Training more ICT service technician for remote areas: Based on the demographic data of this research, most of the remote villages are aging villages, therefore, these villagers are not familiar with computer or any network access devices. It is, hence, suggested that the government should training more young pepole to become the ICT service technician at the remote areas, so that the ICT problem or network access problems can be directly serviced at the remote areas. It can be seen, the majority of current broadband access in remote areas was insufficient, therefore, it is suggested that to promote the broadband service in remote areas and increases the broadband speed can help reducing the digital divide. The telecommunication companies should shows the considerations for the remote villagers so that the “empathy” construct can the satisfied.


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