  • 學位論文


The Impact of Development on Income Allocation ─An Application of PEST

指導教授 : 邱國欽 李見發


全球各國提倡貿易自由化與全球化的發展,國內生產毛額逐漸提升,但各國國內所得分配不均程度擴大,表示經濟成長的果實並非全民共享。世界經濟論壇在2014年報告中將所得分配差距擴大列為全球第二大重要議題,突顯所得分配不平均的嚴重性。本研究目在探討,國家經濟發展對所得分配之影響,而經濟發展不僅包括了成長的意義,尚隱含著制度、觀念以及經濟結構等的改變,因此造成所得分配的因素很多,所以本文以各國家的政治清廉(Political Corruption Perceptions)、經濟自由(Economic Freedom)、社會發展(Social Development) 及科技進步(Technology Progress) 指數,分別探討對所得分配之影響。使用1995至2010年資料,包含52個國家的橫斷面及時間序列資料。本文亦將樣本區分已開發國家及開發中國家,探討所得分配是否因國家開發程度不同而有不同之影響。 研究顯示,政治清廉對已開發國家所得分配不均為顯著負向影響,表示已開發國家政治清廉能改善所得分配。經濟自由對開發中國家的所得分配不均為顯著正向影響,表示開發中國家的經濟自由惡化所得分配。社會發展對已開發國家的所得分配不均程度為顯著負向影響,但對開發中為顯著正向情形。科技進步不論對已開發國家或開發中國家皆對所得分配不均皆無顯著影響。而人均國內生產毛額(GDP Per Capita)對於所得分配不均程度無顯著影響。


Free Trade and globalization that promoting economic growth, but also increasing income inequality. The World Economic Forum said income inequality that was an important issue over the world. In this paper, we study how economic development impact on income allocation. However, there are many factors influence income allocation, so we use four dimensions to estimate level of economic development, consisting of political corruption perceptions, economic freedom, social development and technology progress (called simply PEST). We use data from 1995 to 2010 including 52 countries to study the impact on income allocation by the level of macroeconomic development. We also study how PEST impact on difference countries between developed countries and developing countries from our sample. The empirical results show that political corruption perception has a significant negative impaction OECD countries, which means that the political corruption perception has decreasing income inequality, but insignificant negative in new market countries. The economic freedom has a significant positive impact on OECD countries, which means economic freedom increasing income inequality in new market countries. Development of social has a significant negative impact on OECD countries, which means income distribution will improve, but worse income distribution in the new market countries. The technology progress has insignificant on both OECD countries and new market countries. The economic growth has insignificant impact on income distribution, which means income distribution is not affected by the degree of economic growth.


Income Allocation Economic Development PEST


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