  • 學位論文


The Application and Value-Added Function of Storytelling Marketing in the Tourism

指導教授 : 黃淑琴


人類存在以來,故事就伴隨著人們成長,也成為人們最容易溝通理念的一種資訊傳遞模式。近年來故事行銷躍升成為推廣品牌時的重要行銷方式,因為故事在行銷過程中,可以讓消費者感同身受、產生共鳴,同時讓人印象深刻。而故事行銷過去的相關研究中,大多著重在釐清故事本身的內涵,對於如何進階應用這些故事成果的商業操作並不多見。本研究挑選已成功大量運用故事行銷在各類商業作為中且富盛名的溪頭松林町妖怪村與信義鄉農會梅子夢工廠為研究對象,以紮根理論為研究方法,深入訪談個案對象,主要目的在挖掘如何創造出成功的故事?又如何將創造成功的故事運用在各項商業行動中? 研究結果顯示:(1) 故事靈感來源可自企業發展歷程、時事與生活經驗、消費者帶來的靈感、奇想;(2) 故事的元素由故事情節、故事的美學表現、角色的產生以及故事訊息所蘊含的核心價值所構成;(3) 創作者的特質可以來自其思維與歷練;(4) 故事行銷的商業應用包括實體環境的操作與設計、公關活動、產品的設計與開發及資訊平台的操作。本研究結果除可指引企業如何創造故事,也有助了解如何透過所創造出來的故事為企業的商業活動進行加值。


Since human existence, people are growing along with stories, so it has become one of the most easy way to transfer the concept. In recent years, story became the most important marketing strategy to promote their brands. It was because stories in the marketing process allows consumers to share their feelings, resonate and impressive to people. In the past, the story of marketing research: Most of the stories focus on clarifying their meaning, but not the advanced application of story operate with business. In this research, thoes selected stories were successful in marketing, the extensive use of various types of commercial and famous as:Xitou’s Monster Village and Sin-yi Township Farmer’s Association Dreamworks of the mei(plum) for study, use the methodology of grounded theory.Investigated with the object deeply. The main purpose is finding out how to create a success story? How to create success stories in the commercial operations usage. The results showed: (1) The story can be a source of inspiration from the enterprise development process, current events and life experiences, consumers inspiration, fantasy; (2) Elements of the story from aesthetic expression of the story, message generation and core values inherent in the story of the role of the constitution; (3) Creators characteristic can come from their thinking and experience; (4) Story marketing business applications, including the operating and design of the physical environment, PR activities, operation of the product design and development and information platform. The results of this study in addition to guidelines on how companies create stories. Also help understanding how the story came out through the creation of corporate value-added business activities.


