  • 學位論文


Investigation on Flavor Improvement of Sauce-Stewed Pork with Pickled Plum by Sensory Evaluation Analysis

指導教授 : 李宜玲 林晏瑜


在社會飲食潮流不斷創新且注重健康的取向下,本研究以在華人文化中歷史悠久且大眾化的醬滷豬腳為研究對象,將南投縣的梅子醃製成紫蘇梅後加入在台式醬滷豬腳中,藉由梅子天然醃漬食品中的豐富有機酸,以在豬腳料理的滷煮過程中,可使生成梅納反應,以對豬腳之風味產生有顯著改善的功效。為確認梅子加入醬滷豬腳所產生的風味改善效果,本研究進行感官品評研究,不僅建構產品製作過程之標準程序,亦進行訓練型品評員和一般消費者的感官品評分析。 在第一階段的梅子醬滷滷豬腳產品的開發製作分成兩部分,分別為「紫蘇梅」的製作與「梅子豬腳」的調製。而在第二階段的感官品評分析階段中,分為「感官品評員」之訓練、評選、品評分析與「市場消費者喜好性測試」兩部分。研究中以加入紫蘇梅作為實驗操作變數,將紫蘇梅以0%、1.5%、3%、4.5%不同重量百分比之添加濃度來進行操作。經過訓練型品評員進行感官品評中的Kramer順位和法,結果顯示出3%紫蘇梅添加量被評為最適添加濃度。故在七分制喜好性評分法中,選定3%紫蘇梅添加量之梅子醬滷豬腳與傳統台式醬滷豬腳進行比較,由10位訓練型品評員和127位有效消費者樣本進行八項感官因素的喜好性測試,並藉由T檢定進行差異分析。結果發現梅子醬滷豬腳除了在色澤項目上與傳統台式醬滷豬腳沒有顯著喜好差異之外,其餘七項感官因素包含香氣、酸味、甘甜味、鹹度、油膩感、風味、整體接受度等之喜好性均顯著高於傳統台式醬滷豬腳。結果表示梅子醬滷豬腳確實可以受到市場接受,具有商品化之可能性。 最終期能將以具台灣美食特色元素的「梅子」結合台式醬滷豬腳,開發梅子豬腳產品,並結合南投的特產梅子創新開發出具地方特色之健康餐點,配合地方農特產與飲食趨勢的結合,希望能南投觀光餐飲產業產生創新產品開發、吸引消費者之效。


豬腳料理 感官品評 梅子


Nowadays, there are lots of creative methods which are used to to produce a good cuisine and people are caring more about their health. This research is about the sauce stewed pork production with an innovative ingredient. Pickled perilla plums from Nantou County were added to the sauce stewed pork with different portions. Chemical reactions happened in the cooking process due to the acid component of natural picked plums. These chemical reactions can help stop the fat and cholesterol to become and also have its activity of antioxidative. Moreover, the reactions upgrade whole quality and flavor for this cuisine obviously. To comfirm the effects from plum reactions, this research is not only including standard process, also with training tasters and normal consumers to do Sensory Analyses. There are two main parts of proceeding plum pork, those are making perilla plums and adjusting the sauce of plum pork. At the second step of sensory analyses, we devided it into two parts which are the training with select for sensory analysts and the favorite test of consumers. The results of experience depend on adding perilla plums. We will add different percentage of the perilla to make this cuisine. We will also add four different dosage percent (0%, 1.5%, 3%, 4.5%) of pickled plums separately in traditional Taiwanese sauce stewed pig knuckle, in order to produce plum sauce stewed pig knuckle. According to Kramer’s Rank Totals and scoring preference test evaluation to do the sensory evaluation, and analyze the difference from T-certificate performed The outcome of Kramer's Rank Totals shows, they think 10 percent of Perilla dosage is proper concentrate. In the scoring preference test, compared 10% of the added amount of Perilla stewed pig with Taiwanese traditional plum sauce stewed pig, the 10 trainers and 127 useful consumers to do the favorite survey of eight senses and also analyze by T-Certificate. We found that except the color of plum sauce stewed pork has no significant change, the rest of senses such as: aroma, acidity, sweet taste, salty, greasy feeling, flavor and general satisfactions etc are obviously more than traditional sauce stewed pork. It shows that the 3% plum sauce stewed pig in sensory analysis score is higher than the traditional stewed pork. It is acceptable for the consumers and has possibilities to produce. Finally, with the empirical evidence of this study, the researcher hopes Nantou plums can be used into Taiwanese Sauce Stewed Pork production to create a unique local cuisine with more attractive flavor and healthy consideration.


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2. 沈松茂(1995)。食物原料與烹調技術。台北:中華民國餐飲學會出版。
